Organize your sock drawer?
Play musical pillows with the cats?
Clean behind the washer and dryer? (Eww, what is that fuzzy stuff?)
Write the perfect chapter Fourteen?
Surf the Internet for bits and gossip about the party?
So come on, let's brainstorm on things to do when everyone else is having fun. It's gotta be something that looks so fun, they'll be jealous. Like baking an entire pan of brownies, poking it with holes, and pouring caramel over the top—then eating half of it. Oh yeah, I'm so there. :-)
Update: Whoo hoo! Pat White, my Woman On The Scene at the Literacy Signing tonight has just sent a few pics of the Riders.
Here's Susan Kay Law looking great! Someone go buy her books!

And here's Helen Brenna with my former Luna editor, MaryTheresa Hussey. Looking great, gals!

Go Christie! Lookin' so pretty, and beachy!

And Cindy is very busy signing autographs! Hey ladies, looks like you're having fun!

And our very own, luverly Lois (who, I believe, is talking to Mary Strand).

Nic pics, you all look like you're having fun. :)
Thanks for sharing all the pictures! Looks like lots of fun.
Hey Michele, I'm home, too, but it's been good. Summer weather is great, and I'm getting so much writing done, which feels nice.
I have some parties and a Bavarian Fest to go to this weekend, and looking forward to that. RWA looks wonderful, but as I knew I wasn't going since January, I've known I was going to be home and just decided to enjoy the summer. DC will be around before you know it, and I do plan to be there. :)
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