Yep. I'm using you as a focus group today. We're working on the cover for our first YA contemporary fantasy novel coming out from Bell Bridge Books (08/08), and we have not one, but two covers we like.
What to do? Which to use? I have a favorite and I'm hoping you folks will support my cover.
Marilee Brothers, author of Moonstone, has a fabulous YA voice. Wry, compelling, heart-warming and just plain fun. Allie Emerson is living in a twenty-four foot trailer with a mother who has decided to Retire From Life. Not exactly the sort of environment you'd think would produce a girl destined to save the world. Allie's barely managing to survive high school. She hasn't got time to believe in prophecies and evil. Until evil makes it personal.
(Please do not blame our marketing department for this blurb. They'll do a much better job when the time comes for the real blurb. And now you know why I don't write the blurbs. I leave that to others except in blogging emergencies.)
Which cover floats your boat? Which one do you reach for?
Regardless of how you vote one "reader" and one "writer" will get some goodies.
Our writer will be offered a 25 page critique from me. Seems oxymoronic to consider the "picking apart of a manuscript" as a prize, but we writers are an odd determined lot. And nope. You don't have to have a synopsis. I don't care what genre.
Our reader will receive any four (4) titles from either the BelleBooks or Bell Bridge Books catalogues. ( The Bell Bridge site is still building but the offer of 4 books is good through the fall as the rest of the Bell Bridge Books hit their pub dates. The Southern titles from Bell Bridge will be cross-listed for sale at both BB and BBB websites.
We have some great Southern fiction lined up for July and the fall:
Booth's Sister is a beautifully written novel of Asia Booth, who endured the wrath of a nation when her brother killed Lincoln. Jane Singer, noted Civil War scholar, has masterfully imagined the family dynamic and intimate dilemmas that led to one of America's most fateful crimes and left a sister's life in shambles. (Did I mention beautifully written?)
Egret Cove by travel writer Margaret Nava is a fun romp with a mature woman as she makes a new life in Florida just when she thought life was through handing out exciting surprises.
We also have Jacquelyn Cook coming out this fall with The Gates of Trevelyan, another of her richly detailed Southern historicals.
Fear not. Eventually, we will get the next MOSSY CREEK novel out the door. I've been a little busy, and the editor insists I have to finish a story for the book. And the corporation insists that I negotiate the foreign, domestic and audio distribution contracts and all that other boring business stuff.
(Yes, our titles will be coming out in audio as well.)
And as a final plug we have a dark, scrumptious, "Anne Rice meets Laurell K. Hamilton" epic vampire series that will launch in September. Rich. Textured. Epic. We first meet the clan centuries ago. We posted on every blog in the world that Bell Bridge wanted contemporary urban fantasy, but when this came in the door, we all decided there was room for a voice and a story this big. A great lush read. With more to come.
There you have it! Lots of yummy goodness for readers who aren't afraid to step up and vote for their favorite Moonstone cover. Tell me why you like it. And let me know what you think about any of the upcoming titles. TELL ME IF YOU'RE AFTER the WRITER prize OR READER prize.
I like the cover on the right with the more in focus picture. I think that the moon and the darkness of it appeal to me the most!
I think the vampire series sounds very interesting!!
wow, tough choice. I really like them both. The cover on the left has more of a moody feel to me. I like the eeriness of it. But the cover on the right has the moonstone on her necklace prominently displayed. I think I like this one the best for the genre and title.
I prefer the one on the left, with the black-and-blue colour scheme. I know moonstone is a stone, but you can't have "moon" in the title without a moon somewhere ;-) Thus the darker look seems more appropriate.
Hope this helps, and have a lovely day! :-)
P.S. Mega-applause to you - I wish more publishers would let prospective covers have their say, because in a number of cases the marketing team has got it wrong (in my opinion). So thanks :-)
I like the one on the right (the lighter, sepia-toned one, with the stone prominently displayed).
The darker, sharper one says, "dark book" and I would give it a pass.
I like the cover on the left. The moon invading the dark colors really grabs my attention. I'm also looking forward to the vampire series.
I think the cover with the moon in the blue clouds over the girl is the better one. There is something about that girl that is appealing - I think it might be that she looks so vulnerable and yet, she has a little bit of an edge to her. And the epic vampire series does look fascinating.
I'm more drawn to the one on the left. This is a YA, right? I know my 14-year-old daughter is always drawn to the darker shades, especially if it's a reflection of the tone of the story. I'd appreciate it if you'd toss my name in for the reader prize, please.
Cheryl S.
I like the cover on the right the best. It's beautiful. The one on the left seems too generic.
That said, I don't know the tone and feel of the book. The left one is very clear - you're getting moody and dark, tense. The right one has a softer look, so to me it says the book has more mystery, less darkness.
What's the tone of the book, Deb?
I prefer the black cover on the left. It's more evocative and striking, and unlike the soft-focus cover on the right, the crisp color scheme really pops even at thumbnail resolution. Also, I think the overall arrangement and tone gives more of a spooky, conflicty feel right from the first glance, like this is a book where the heroine really has to fight for what she wants. The soft one on the right seems like more of a lighter/literary feel. JMHO...
Helen beat me to it. I need to know the tone, too. The black cover is catching my eye because it seems more dark and appropriate for a save the world plot. The light color one to me says "Lifetime" sort of movie. But with the problems with the mom, I suspect a light tone underneath.
Course, this could be solved easy by what color hair does the heroine have? (that bothers me in a book and I dont' know why.)
Writer prize! writer prize! Though, now that I've already won something, I probably shouldn't be in the running for this, you know being tacky looking and all.
Helen makes a good point on the tone of the book, but I like the one on the left better. It has a magical feel. Though the colors are darker than the sepia, the girl's face is appealing, as someone said. It doesn't give an impression of being too dark.
I'd love a critique and hope I win. :)
Erica Ridley-- hey girl! Great to see you here! And I'm with you-- the one on the left-- moon and mood, it's more evocative for a paranormal tone.
Gos, Deb, Belle Books is really on the move. I'm so proud of all you've done and I so admire your list. Congrats and may you sell a million of them!
Hey Deb - don't count me in for the prizes, I'll vote for free. ;)
I like the darker cover, the one on the left with the moon. It sounds closer to the content -- the other looks more "historical" to me, the coloring, etc. I think readers are visually conditioned to search for certain colors/images on the shelf, and the darker one says "paranormal"
I prefer the cover on the left. The composition is more pleasing to my eye and I find the entire design more cohesive then the cover on the left. The cover on the right emphasizes the expression on the girl’s face and the moonstone in the necklace.
Cover on the Left (Dark):
•Dark and brooding
•Makes me think vampire story
Cover on the right (Light):
•The girl has an intriguing expression
•The moonstone is a good focal point
•Good composition
•The face is obscured, making the viewer believe that there are hidden depths to the subject.
I like the cover on the left. The color and design is more dramatic and striking. It would be more effective and display beautifully.
The dark blue cover on the left sets the mood for the novel. The cover artwork reflects the type of story and woman's face is excellent. Love the reader prize.
The cover on the left gives me a distinct feel for the book. The deep blue sets the tone and the artist's rendition of the woman's dace and features captures the cover ideally.
The reader prize would be delightful. Those books look super.
The blurb (which sounds interesting even if you don't like it) says "Until evil makes it personal." So there's apparently a dark tone to the book. I'm drawn to the cover on the left because it "pops." The contrast in colors makes it stand out. The one on the right is good too, but I think it might just blend in and disappear on the shelf whereas the one on the left will stand out.
I'm voting for free too since I just won Kathleen's prize a few days ago.
The dark blue color scheme on the left I find perfect for this book and the contrast with the girl's face is great. The one on the right is too pale to set the mood. Reader prize looks lovely. Thanks.
The mood, tone and subject of the book is evident with the deep blue of the left cover. The color is ideal and the contrast with the woman depicted is great. reader prize, please. Those books are so appealing.
first I liked the dark cover with the blue moon. But I want to nudge up the title so the author's name isn't on the girl's forehead. Then I wanted to put the title at the bottom. But then I thought, yeah, moonstone must be about her necklace, so I think I like the focus on the moonstone in the second cover better. So my vote is the second pic!
Opinions on the covers seem equally divided here, which of course will just make your decision harder! :) Personally, I like the cover of the right. This softer picture makes me think of a romantic fantasy, which is the kind of story I like. Now if the book is a hardcore paranormal, the cover on the left would be more appropriate.
I forgot to mention that I am interested in the READER prize!
I am a voracious reader and in checking out aisles in bookstores, I notice too many books looking like the one on the left and the sameness in color. The one on the right is more mysterious and makes me wonder what she is seeing and sensing that makes the stone glow so brightly. I prefer the one on the right and the reader prize sounds great.
Oooh. Tough choice. I think the one of the left attracts me more. It's chilly and eerie and beautiful.
Nice work.
Wow Deb. Gorgeous art work - both of them. I'm torn too, although I might pick up the one on the right first only because it's got a different feel to it. Tough choice!
Hi Debra,
Go with the blue one if you want to grab attention. The other one is too misty; makes me thinks my eyes aren't focusing and when I'm scanning shelves, I want something that pops rather than something I have to work at. LOL
And I just love the Belle Books line! Can't wait to read the next Mossy Creek, they're very popular here.
Reader LynneW in Ohio
I think that the left cover with its deep and dark blues gives me the moodset that I would expect with the story. The right book though I do appreciate its artistic look and the historic appeal. The reader prize sounds wonderful.
I would choose the cover on the left. I like how the moon is displayed and the blue is eyecatching.
All the upcoming titles sound wonderful. I like Southern novels.
The reader prize sounds great.
Interesting. I had exactly the same delema when I had to choose a cover for my historical CEREMONY OF DECEPTION. Only two people chose the sepia one. I like the colorful one on the left becasue i think it shows better on the shelf--or on a website.
(Writer prize!) I definitely prefer the cover on the left. I like the color contrasts, and it's more vivid - more something I'd pick up off the shelf. Love the colors, and the stronger face. The one on the right implies more of an artsy or Da Vinci code type. Brings to mind a fading manuscript. I want vivid and compelling, not fading (at least for my contemporary fantasy).
(I don't want to post it in the blog and influence someone just about to hit the comment button.)
Dark Cover - 22
Sepia Cover - 8
So far the turnout is heavy to readers. This is who I have on my "Writer Critique" list:
Erica Ridley
Keri Ford
I like the cover on the left more. The moon in the background really pops with the dark colors. The blurb sounds really good, so I can't wait to give the series a try. I'd love the reader prize.
Voting for the darker cover with the moon. Of the two, it is the one that draws my eye and tells me the heroine is in for far more than she bargained for. (Writer's Prize!)
Hmm... I think the darker one on the left is more initially eye-catching--more contrast and more likely to grab the attention of someone walking by a bookshelf. The colors do sort of suggest vamps or weres to me though. I like the colors of the cover on the right, but it takes a bit more time for the cover to grow on you--I do really like that the necklace and stone are the focus.
If the other covers you've shown are representative of your line, I think the lighter cover on the right is going to fit better with the "brand" and feel.
I haven't heard of the other upcoming titles (except the Mossy Creek series), but they do sound good and I'll likely be looking for them now!
(Reader prize, thanks!)
Oooo, tough choice. I like them both, but the title says "gothic" to me (I'm not sure it actually is judging by the blurb, mind you, but it's just an impression). And I think the cover on left with the full moon says "gothic" too. So I'll pick that one. :)
Whoops! I hit send too soon. Writer prize, please. :)
Deb, take me off that list! I already won a fantastic prize and don't want to take another prize when there's still so many who haven't won anything.
I like cover number one.
I really like the one of the left. I like the darker colors and it would draw me to the book if I were to see it in the bookstore.
The Mossy Creek books sound interesting.
The reader prize for me.
Well the good news is both covers are fantastic. And I have to agree with the person who said what color hair does she have? I hate when they get that wrong. If I have to pick I'm going to say the one on the right - there's something compelling about it - maybe it's her smile - like the Mona Lisa lol.
I like the cover on the left for YA.
The girl looks older in the right (sepia toned) picture. Both are vevy evocative, however.
Karin Shah
Writer prize please! :-)
Still like the blue cover, but agree w/Michele that I would take the writing off her face, too -- put title/author down below, and the tagline, etc up in the upper right...
Curious, though, Deb if you don't mind a slight tangent, how this book fits in with Belle? Someone mentioned how the second cover seems to reflect your brand more, and I would agree with that, even though I think the first cover seems the best for the book.
I read your submission guidelines, and this seems to be the thing you aren't asking for ? (Genre/paranormal/YA...>)
I like the cover on the left, like having the moon and also enjoy the colors on this one! I'm a reader not a writer.
thebookgirl (Carrie)—
I think people are going to love this vampire series. I personally enjoy a big honkin’ read that I can settle into. Sure, I enjoy a great fast piece-of-candy read too. But finding a deeply rich world I and a story that grows over time…Yum!
Karin Tabke--
You’ve put your finger on the dilemma. These two distinctly different covers serve different purposes. The voting is helping.
Tez Miller--
“in a number of cases the marketing team has got it wrong”
Been there from the author’s side of things. We can’t always hit a home run but we try. Thanks for recognizing our efforts!
Amy Addison—
“with the stone prominently displayed”
That is the strength of that cover, and we’re glad to see that the strong points of each cover are being repeatedly mentioned by the voters. (Means we aren’t crazy.)
I like this description “the moon invading the dark!” I’m right there with you on the vampire series. Yes, I got it early but I know I’m going to enjoy it again as a book I can hold in my hands.
“vulnerable and yet, she has a little bit of an edge to her “
Exactly what we were hoping folks would see. I’m telling you everyone is seeing and feeling the things we wanted them to see/feel with this covers.
cas2ajs (Cheryl S)—
“I know my 14-year-old daughter is always drawn to the darker shades”
Good info!
Helen Brenna—
The tone isn’t a dark vampire book but it’s not a light book either. The kid isn’t well-cared for by family. She’s an outsider. There is danger and magick. Some magick on the lighter side. Some on the dark. There is some violence. The humor derives from the heroine’s take on life rather than from physical comedy or witty repartee.
Erica Ridley--
“thumbnail resolution” is something that I’ve begun to give a lot of thought! “…like this is a book where the heroine really has to fight for what she wants.” Yes. Very much so because she hasn’t got much of a support system and what she does have is yanked.
Keri Ford--
Hair color ! LOL Well, sometimes in covers you don’t get to be exact. (g)
“the girl's face is appealing, as someone said. It doesn't give an impression of being too dark.”
Interesting. I love the girl’s face on the left. Just can’t stop looking at it.
Betina Krahn –
“Congrats and may you sell a million of them!” Thanks!
It’s turning into quite a list. We’re proud of it. But I have no idea how some publishers, who are small, put out 10 books a month. Or even 5. ::boggle:: We plod along. Of course, we’ve picked up the pace with the Bell Bridge imprint but we’re still only doing like 10 books for the whole YEAR.
I have to admit to gravitating toward the cover on the left. Like others have said before, it pops, while the other cover makes me think of a historical. Beautiful, but not quite right for the genre.
Yes, it might be similar to other covers for this type of book, but that's one reason I would pick it up. It "fits" the paranormal expectations. Plus it's just dang pretty. :)
Wow, I love both of them...but I would choose the one left one. The moon and darkness are good for the title. :)
I'm a writer.
Samantha Hunter—
I don’t mind a tangent. And the covers are just concepts so we can still fiddle with font placement.
In case you haven’t heard, BelleBooks (BB) has opened a new imprint: Bell Bridge Books (BBB). We’ll be serving emerging voices and genres that don’t “jive” with our BB image. We’ll still have books in our warehouse, available at wholesalers on all the internet book sites but we’ll be doing much smaller runs. The BBB website is still in construction. We’ll be doing fantasy/horror/urban fantasy, YA (fantasy for now), and things like Booth’s Sister, which is a fabulous book but from a brand new author. BBB is a better “home” for that author because of print run. We’ll still be doing ads. We’ll be at DragonCon launching the fantasy side of things. Have a full-page ad in the DragonCon program. They run 15,000-20,000 people a day through that convention. So it’s a great launching pad. For a good discussion of BBB, check out our LiveJournal blog.
Start at the bottom and read up. We’re also doing video trailers for all our books now.
Both would draw me - but the darker one with the moon is probably the one I would reach for first.
Vicky Burkholder
Oops - forgot to leave the other comments! (Brain freeze - daughter's wedding in four days!) - So... why do I like it?
The darker tones draw me more for this title. Yes, the moonstone is prominent in the lighter one, but, for me, it just doesn't fit with the blurb I read.
Prize - both of course! ;) Actually, either or will work for me, but leaning toward the crit.
Thank you
Vicky Burkholder
I love them both--they're both compelling. (The gold one has the Libba Bray books quality/A Great and Terrible Beauty), but since the blurb sounds contemporary teen angst, I have to pick the BLACK cover. It looks more modern and fitting of the contemporary tone of the book.
If the black one is not the favorite, I hope this does not disqualify me from the drawing. *LOL*
I'm a would want to be considered for the writer prize.
I love a brain that breaks it all out in a pretty outline. ::clap:: You’re a woman after my own heart. Seriously, I so appreciate the thoughtful comments you guys are making. It really helps to know how the covers are perceived.
I like the words “display beautifully.” That usually makes the author happy.
“woman's face is excellent.” Yeah, buddy! I love that face. And I also love the moonstone in the sepia. I think both covers pull the eye with a focal point.
“Those books look super.”
Thanks! We think so. We hope so. And I am ::looking down and scuffing feet:: guilty of a wee bit of promo today. (g)
Playground Monitor—
“The blurb (which sounds interesting even if you don't like it)”
Funny…our blurb person read the blog this morning and said it was good too. LOL! I still think they’ll do a “final” better job.
“The dark blue color scheme…”
Yes, trying to relieve the “black” a little and lighten the cover look just a touch.
“Those books are so appealing.”
Please. Tell other readers too ! (g)
Michele Hauf—
That’s a wonderful rundown of what it’s like making all these decisions. Tweak, tweak, tweak. These are concepts so they’ll be tweaked again at final size and resolution.
“Now if the book is a hardcore paranormal, the cover on the left would be more appropriate.”
Hmm…I wouldn’t say hardcore but more on that side of the fence than a light book. The heroine is the key that lightens the book because her perceptions are so much fun. She doesn’t have the easiest time of it but she has such a wry grace in the way she handles life.
“The one on the right is more mysterious and makes me wonder what she is seeing and sensing that makes the stone glow so brightly.”
You people keep picking out the exact things we’d want you to say if we fed you the lines ourselves. Why do all you people have to say the exact right things about both books? LOL!
I like the cover on the left with the bright blue moon. I like cover with color and it seems more likely to attract attention.
BTW I'm a reader.
Christie Ridgway—
“Nice work.”
Thanks. We hope our authors can see the difference in what we’re trying to do. We’re small but we try to bump up the quality and have the books play well in the market. It’s hard being the little guy. Let’s see. We’ve been doing this for 9 years. I figure in a couple more years we’ll know if it’ll work. (g) We’ve had a very specific strategy for building.
Cindy Gerard—
“Gorgeous art work - both of them.”
We like it when experienced authors, who have been down this road many times, like the covers. Yay!
Reader LynneW--
“And I just love the Belle Books line! Can't wait to read the next Mossy Creek, they're very popular here.”
::smooch:: Thanks! We love to hear that.
“deep and dark blues gives me the mood set”
You know I really have to know the “mood” of a book before we can kick around cover ideas. Almost more than the concrete images.
“I like Southern novels.”
Then I love you. (g)
Jannifer Hoffman--
“Only two people chose the sepia one.”
Really? Okay, more good information. We’re seeing a similar phenomenon here. Blue is beating sepia.
Mary said...
“I want vivid and compelling, not fading (at least for my contemporary fantasy).”
Contemporary is a key identifier in the blue cover. And that’s a “compelling” (g) argument in its favor.
“The blurb sounds really good, so I can't wait to give the series a try.”
Yay! Makes me feel better. I didn’t want to maul an author’s book but it was too late at night to demand a blurb from someone. (g)
“tells me the heroine is in for far more than she bargained for.
Ooh! I like that.
“it takes a bit more time for the cover to grow on you--I do really like that the necklace and stone are the focus.“ Yes, it’s grown on the editor after an initial “no” and is now back in the mix.
“ If the other covers you've shown are representative of your line”
We have a fantasy imprint that works the darker side.
Tori Lennox—
The book isn’t really “gothic.” That’s the draw back to the cover, but cover blurb and back cover copy can cue the reader so they’ll know exactly what kind of story they’re buying. One hopes.
# 1. Duly noted. You’re certainly voting on the winning side so far!
Lori T –
“It would draw me to the book if I were to see it in the bookstore. “
The dark cover on the left definitely seems to be leading in the “stand out on the shelf” category!
“Well the good news is both covers are fantastic.”
Yay! Totally a great answer.
Karin Shah—
“The girl looks older in the right (sepia toned) picture.”
A couple of people have picked up on that and that was one of our concerns.
“…like having the moon”
I’m a big fan of the moon too. Just makes me happy while still being mysterious.
“Plus it's just dang pretty.”
Yeah, I think I’ve probably revealed by now that although I love them both, the blue one makes me think a teen girl will *have* to pick it up. She won’t be able to help herself.
misty wright—
“The moon and darkness are good for the title.”
Yes, absolutely the title definitely suggested both cover looks.
Vicky B--
“the darker one with the moon”
::Deb asking the crowd to scoot over so you can join us::
“Libba Bray books quality/A Great and Terrible Beauty”
It does! That’s a great comparison for quality. But it’s contemporary so that may work against the sepia cover. And, nope, you don’t have to vote on the “winning” side to be in the prize drawing.
“I like cover with color”
Well, we want to know what readers think! Thanks!
Oh my goodness - this is so difficult - they're both nice covers - but... I think I like the art of the one on the right more. For Fantasy - having the stone in greater prominence I think is important - and the picture is great for the undertones. However, I like the colors of the one on the left more. Can I splice them? :P. Otherwise, and overall, I'm going with the one on the right.
[Also, I'd like to be entered into the Reader prize, please!]
Hmmm, I started to think you guys were swaying me toward the dark cover, but, nope, I still like the right one.
And I don't remember who said it, but part of it is the prominence of the moonstone.
Deb, when are you going to tell us which is your fav? I'm dying to know.
Wow. the dark blue one on the left drew me in on a very primitive, visceral level. Fascinating. and the young girl's eyes are awesome, and seem to be hiding deep, old, powerful secrets.
that cover created magic for me.
Ellen ( who doesn't need a prize)
I prefer the one on the left with the moon and the color blue.
Reader prize
Another Readers opinion:
I'd buy the book on the left with the Black/blue cover. Even though the print is smaller, it is easier to read the authors name and the book title.
RE the cover on the right, at first glance, I either focus on trying to "see" the girl, or tunnel in on the title/author. It is too distracting to "see" it all at once. And, it bothers me that the print goes across her face.
Marcia in OK
I like the cover on the left. I think the blue brings out the moon.
Beautiful covers but my choice is the dark, haunting cover on the left.
Also the vampire series -- I've read the first book and it's great--the author happens to be a friend of mine.
Oh, I'm after the writer prize.
Because I'm trying to do this without asking help from my computer exspert husband, I appoligize if this is the second time you see this.
Helen, who I usually agree with, but not this time. I love the picture on the left. The blue moon has a spooky dare to come outside look. And I love her determined look. She's not ready to battle evil, but she's not going to back down either.
The right picture is beautiful, but she looks too sweet.
Initially, I was drawn to the blue cover. But then I read some of the comments and thought maybe the one on the right was more striking. The blue one is kind of haunting and mysterious, while the close up of the moonstone isn't. The necklace is beautiful, but that cover doesn't "speak" to me. In addition, having the moon on the cover of the blue one seems to add to the title. That probably sounds silly, but there you have it.
I was drawn to the cover on the left- dark clouds, moon, dark sky. I find that pic more clear.
Enter me for the reader prize please.
“Can I splice them?”
Believe me we wish we could. LOL!
Helen Brenna—
I hinted in a reply when I told one of our comment folks that I was asking the dark cover people to move over so she could join “us.” I was originally for the sepia cover. Loved it. The editor said, “Nope.” We pulled a new cover and in the middle of that the editor said, “You know this sepia one is really growing on me. I love it.” LOL! So that’s how we ended up with two so different. In the process I came to believe the dark cover was more compelling. But I felt they were two good covers.
Ellen Breen—
“ young girl's eyes are awesome, and seem to be hiding deep, old, powerful secrets.”
In the original photo the girl is leaning against a brick wall and has her hand in her hair and her elbow out. Kind of just-this-side-of-skanky. LOL! But you take her out of that environment and get rid of the arm and she just freaks me out. Love her.
Thanks Estella. You’re the icing on the cake of this decision.
Marcia in OK—
“I'd buy the book on the left with the Black/blue cover.”
That’s the reaction we want!
Re: the moon
Marilee Brothers, the author, had hoped for a moon.
Linda Nightingale—
“I've read the first [vampire] book and it's great”
Let’s hope we can spread that word around!
Christine L.—
“I love her determined look. She's not ready to battle evil, but she's not going to back down either. “
Exactly. This girl on the cover conveys so much about character to the reader. She shows the backbone this YA heroine has to have to survive her life.
I like the one on the left. Seems more fitting and there's the young girl. I like the colors and the contrast of it as well.
I vote for the lefthand cover. The black & blue color scheme is moody and mysterious, and I like the moon. This pic says edgy and contemporary; it grabs me.
The cover on the right is lovely, but too old-fashioned looking. If I saw it in a library I would think the book had been published in the seventies.
I'm after the writer prize!
Both are gorgeous, but I'm drawn more to the one on the left.
Oh, and I'd like to apply for the writer's prize, please.
Thanks, and have a lovely day! :-)
I like the one on the left with the black backdrop and crescent moon.
I'd like the reader package.LOL
Sounds interesting.
I like the one on the left too. I like the eeriness of it.
I'm after the writer prize too.
I'd like to enter for the reader prize. I think they are both lovely but I am drawn to the one that is more mysterious to me..the one on the left seems more 'moonlike' to me..slightly darker and sinister
OKAY! I'm having my part-timer who is here working pick a number for each list.
I'll post an update for the winner as a new blog entry.
But please continue to comment if you're late to the party. I'm still interested in all opinions.
I love, love the right cover. The brunette is gorgeous and I love the moon above her. Congrats on your 2nd anniversary, ladies!!
(Writer prize, pretty please! If I'm not too late...)
Darcy ! You just missed the cut-off.
But I'm think if folks like this, we'll probably do it again.
I'm thinking about having another Prize Day in September.
Mmmm, I meant left cover. That's because I was rushing to get my name in, lol.
Deb, thanks for the info and congrats on things really taking off! This is just incredibly cool -- will definitely check out the blog. :)
Congrats to the winners!
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