Lois Greiman
I read recently that anyone who says there's nothing better than sex is either a pervert or a liar. And despite what I write, I had to agree. I mean, really, there’s caramel, ice cream, and a little thing called chocolate for starters.
Okay, there are probably non-eating activities that are preferable too, but my mind naturally runs toward all things caloric. (I share that with my mystery heroine, Chrissy McMullen.) And although I’ll readily admit that I’m light years from being a gourmet cook, I do have a few recipes that, if prepared properly, could make you forget your own name.
However, warm weather makes me even less eager to cook than usual. Thinking our riding readers might feel the same, I thought I’d pass along one of my favorite, perfect-for-picnics-and-parties recipes.
I offer you:
Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie 1 baked pie crust 1 8 oz package of cream cheese 1¼ cup sugar 1 tsp vanilla 1 tsp lemon juice 1 quart strawberries 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon butter whipped cream Whip the cream cheese with ¼ cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, and 1 tsp lemon juice. Mix until smooth. Spread in the bottom of the pie crust. Saving ½ of the best strawberries for the top of the pie, use the rest of the berries for the center. After mashing them, stir in 1 cup of sugar, 3 tablespoons cornstarch, and 1 tablespoon butter. Cook until thick, stirring constantly. Cool slightly, then pour over the cream cheese layer. After the pie has cooled for 2-3 hours top with whipped cream and remainder of berries.
So there it is…one of my childhood favorites. I’d love it if you’d share a beloved recipe of your own. I’m going to start something called Chrissy’s Corner on my website and will be listing some fun recipes, quotes, etc. If your recipe is chosen to be a Chrissy favorite I’ll send you a copy of my latest McMullen novel, Unmanned.
On the other hand, maybe you know something other than food that’s better than…you know what. I'm sure we'd all love to hear about it. Or…if you’re pretty sure there’s nothing better…let us know that too.
Lois ::groan:: you would have to post this while I'm on a diet. . . and being relatively successful! It looks fabulous!
But hey, I'm printing it off and saving it for another day. Some time in the mythical future when my doctor says-- "Good Lord, woman, you're nothing but skin and bones! Eat!"
Yeah. I'm not holding my breath either.
But hey, I have a Weight Watcher Pie recipe that I re-created and my family demands at all holiday dinners. Maybe I'll post that one next week!
Yum-o! Unfortunately my doctor has decided I'm either lactose intolerant (bye-bye cream cheese) or gluten intolerant (bye-bye pie crust). Eating in general is going to be a nightmare with either but I think the lactose thing will be the easiest to avoid.
One of my favorite recipes is Paula Deen's Tomato Pie (go to Food Network website and do a search for it). It's great in summer.
But my absolute most favorite thing to make is reservations at a favorite restaurant. And those ARE better than sex. **grin**
Mmmm... food :) A really good creme brulee, a perfectly grilled steak, crispy fried chicken, a perfectly dressed salad, a steaming bowl of udon... There are so many tempting foods to savor, and I think good food can be a truly sensual experience to rival sex ;) As for a recipe, I'll have to work on that--as much as I love to eat, I'm not terribly good at making the food!
But pie is good for the soul, Betina. I'm sure of it. Still, congrats on your weight loss.
Flchen1. what is udon?? If it's food I'm pretty sure I'd like it. :)
Lois, the pie sounds nummy.
I've got a very simple recipe for a corn salsa that's awesome.
You mix frozen corn any kind of chopped veggies (even a little bit of fruit) you like in any quantities you like(I use red onion, bell peppers and nectarines) along with a can of pinto beans.
Toss it with a dressing of equal amounts of red wine vinegar and olive oil 1/4 cup each and sugar 1 tsp.
Chill and serve with tortilla chips or on a lettuce salad.
I could go without sex for a week, but I wouldn't last a week without eating.
That's all I'm sayin'. :)
Great recipe!
My dad makes the best Chess Pie on earth and my grandmother makes the best Chocolate Chess Pie. Both could be in the running for being better than sex.
Thanks for the recipe Helen. Sounds great.
Great recipes. The Strawberry Pie sounds delicious. I'm gonna have to try that one. THanks
Oh, YUM!
We've added this to our shopping list for the week.
If I liked cream cheese this would probably be good. Better than sex? Food? I'd say my hubby's Aunt makes this Chocolate Eclair cake,I've tried and can't match her on it, and it's just delicious! We want all year for Christmas just for that.LOL Me and him always, always eat about half before we leave, or we take a huge plate of it with us. She's been known to make one just for us, she knows we adore it.
I love my mom's cheese straws,she makes deserts and candies at Christmas, or did, now I'm doing and it while mine are good, they aren't as good as hers to me.
I love the cheesecakes from the Cheesecake Factory. I especially love the oreo crust.
This sounds soo, soo good. I love cooking, especially desserts and breads, but rarely take the time to do it. Hubby's a pick eater, so anythign that's 'fun' to cook, he doesn't eat. I hate cooking a large batch of somethign and being the only one to eat it.
Now that I'm back online, I get to Lois, proud mom of Miss Heart of the Lakes, who competed for Miss Minnesota on Saturday night and made the Top 10! I sat with two local writer friends and cheered Tara on--clamored, clapped and clanged our bells. (Fans bring noisemakers and light gizmos to these events and express themselves with utter abandon.)
Lois claimed to be nervous, but she looked cool, classy, completely controlled. And her lovely daughter--the image of her mom with a few more inches of height--played the piano beautifully. She won two awards, including one for academic excellence. Congratulations to the whole Greiman gang!
And if the competition itself wasn't excitement enough, we got to head for the basement in the middle of it all while a tornado passed by.
Wherever Lois goes, adventure follows.
Meant to say I get to *congratulate* Lois.
Oh. Love cheesecake, and I had some of the best I've ever tasted last night at Oceanaire--celebrating Father's Day and enjoying their electricity (ours having been knocked out by those storms I mentioned).
Thanks, Kathy. We're kinda proud of Tara. Gotta admit. Although she's disappointed she didn't win, she made top ten, so we're thrilled. I'll blog with photos when I get my act together.
Thanks for coming, Kathy. You're great.
Yea for TARA!!!
That sounds good. I don't bake very much anymore since it's usually just my husband and me and I'd eat it all but I have a recipe for an easy dip.
pkg. cream cheese
can of shrimp or crab
(can thin with milk or sour cream if desired)
onion flakes or fresh
mix and pour on a bottle of cocktail sauce. (I also add green peppers during the holidays).
Catslady, sound really yummy, and calorie free. My favorite type. :)
Lois, udon is a kind of thick Japanese noodle, served in hot broth, often with other toppings to mix in. My kids are big fans :) And congrats to your family!
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