Happy Holidays from our house to yours!
I wish peace, love, great reads and sweet rides to allour friends. And our friends’ friends. And their friends.
Happy happy holidays!
Kathleen Eagle

Michele wishes everyone a happy holiday season. Here's hoping you get something to make you smile, no matter if it's a gift, a hug or a compliment. And if you want to make Michele smile on Xmas, please send snow her way! Lots of nice fluffy white stuff.

Peace, love and best wishes for a very happy new year to all!
Click on the link for a fun mistletoe adventure, courtesy Office Max.

Merry Christmas from sunny, stormy, strange-weather Florida! Yes, we had tornadoes north of us on Christmas Day! But on our Christmas tree-- true to our Wintry roots-- we have snowflakes! Big, beautiful snowflakes!
And we wish everyone a gloriously warm and joyful holiday season.
Whatever you celebrate, may it bring light, love, and peace to your house. . . now and in the coming year.
Wishes for much love and laughter,
Michele, too cute!
Lois, I envy you your blanket of snow!
Kathy, I'd love to be there with the Barbies!
Helen. . . Mistletoe Heaven and Hell. . . I love it! Even nerds deserve a mistletoe kiss!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Happy Kwanza. . . To one and all!
Hugs, Betina
merry christmas, gals!!!
Merry Christmas to you, too, Anne!
Betina, very pretty tree. Love the snowflakes!
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