Happy hour’s something I actually miss about an office job. Don’t get me wrong. I love not having to fight rush hour traffic, but it was nice to occasionally head out after work and visit with co-workers over a drink. Or two.
So here goes. Grab a glass of wine or beer, pour yourself a martini or a cocktail. Sodas and water work too. We don’t have the noise, the pushy crowds, the smoky bars, but we can still gab. About anything.
So what should we talk about? Any new visitors?
Okay, now I'm wishing I had some calimari. Or buffalo wings.
I'm heading out to the movies in a few minutes. . . I wanted to see the snakes on a plane thingie, but the other three of our foursome are squeamish. . . so we're seeing "World Trade Center." So here's to movie time. Hey, what are your favorite movies of late? Anybody see "Barnyard?" It did not compare with my favorite penguins, but it had it's cute moments. IF you could get past the udders on the "boy cows."
AGHHHHHH! I must be getting old. I didn't appreciate Sam Elliot's alter ego waddle around with an udder where his penis should have been.
Bring me another Cosmo!gzojxsl
Snakes on a Plane. I'm sure it's a perfectly good movie, but isn't that the studidest title you've ever heard of?
Let me try that last sentence again.
"I didn't appreciate WATCHING Sam Elliot's alter-ego waddle around with an udder where his penis should have been."
That's better.
What do they put in these Cosmo things, anyway?
Betina, I just realized - you're my excuse for starting happy hour at 3. That's 4pm EST, right?
And Chris has a particular writing success she'd like to share. Right?
Hey, Susan! Thanks for joining us!
I don't know if I can watch WTC. Maybe have to, haven't decided. I saw Taladega Nights too and liked it. In fact, blogged about it a couple days ago!
Enjoy those wings!
Chris is in my critique group. She's got a winner is this ms. Good luck in the contest, sweetie!
And you're not driving. Have three of them lemonades!
Oh, and Cheers to you too, Candace!
Congrats, Chris!
And Betina thanks for clarifying about the cows. I saw the trailer in the theatre and whispered to my son "Isn't that a boy cow? But he shouldn't have that, should he?" My son just shrugged. I've been confused ever since, even a little disturbed. Until now! :-)
I'm thinking of checking out Little Miss Sunshine this weekend. I loved that little girl in Signs, so think she'll be awesome in this movie.
Michele, it's looks a bit different, but how can that movie not be good? Great talent there.
Read about your Happy Hour on the H/S loop and wanted to stop by. After taking the kids to the Childrens Museum, Toys R Us and out to lunch, I could use a drink. Maybe a couple. I'm on the West Coast so not sure when you got started!
Congrats Christine!
I really want to see WTC, and I'd like to see it in the theater if I can 1) find the time and 2) get a sitter. I decided to wait until Flight 93 came out on DVD because I used to work for United and on that type of aircraft.
Hi, Melissa. Welcome! My kids are older, 12 and 17, but I well remember those summer days.
The 9/11 movies are touchy subjects for so many people.
I'm off to have dinner with a friend. Happy Friday, all!
just got back from getting my redjob. looks like i missed happy hour, but what a great idea, helen! i finished my first draft this week, so i always feel like celebrating when that's out of the way.
congratulations, christine! that is fantastic!!
and so nice to see the new faces here!
i don't go to movies much anymore. i have to confess i don't like being squeezed up against strangers. last movie i went to was land of the dead. i was almost the only female in the theater. i'm a weirdass, what can i say? before that it was bruce campbell's man with the screaming brain. bruce was there to talk about the movie. he's a sweetie.
I'm baaaaaack!
I wasn't sure what to expect, but WTC was a wonderful movie. Very tear-jerker in places, but real and heartfelt and even uplifting. I imagine it must be very, very emotional for folks in New York. I have to say, Ollie Stone did a really good job with this one. He can do it when he tries!
And welcome to all the happy hour newbies-- Susan, Christine and Melissa! What a way to end the work week. Not that writers ever actually stop working. . . sigh.
Congrats Christine on finaling in the Golden Gateway Contest! Details, woman-- what kind of MS?
What? Closing down? But it's only 9 o'clock! Sheesh. Alright, alright, I'm going. But I'm takin' the peanuts with me. . .
susan, i just read your very cool post over on booksquare.
Anne, Susan's the one who coined that great phrase, "Save an author, buy a new book," that I posted the other day. She did write an exceptional article. How'd your hair turn out?
Betina, sounds like I'll have to check out WTC, sad or not.
Well, I'd say Happy Hour was a success. I'm alread looking forward to the next one!
helen --
two words:
Can't wait to
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