Friday, July 21, 2006

Anne's Favorite Cover

HUSH, Penguin/NAL/ 2002

This is one of my favorite covers. I think it did everything it was supposed to do. Great artwork, great font, immediately tells you the story is a scary suspense. It also had broad appeal, attracting female, male, and teenage readers. This is by far the best cover I’ve ever had. The book sold well, and continues to sell well four years later.


Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Yes, I love this cover and the book! Totally sets the tone of the story and grabs you. =D

Helen Brenna said...

I love this cover, too, Anne. I also love Pale Immortal. It's similar in many ways - that's good, right? Didn't Hush do really well?

anne frasier said...

kelly and helen -- thanks! i don't think i'll ever have another cover i like as much. it's strange that my editor was a little disappointed in it. she wanted the girl's face to show more, and for the cover itself to be more feminine. (the following cover (sleep tight) went more in that direction.)

helen, it does look like the PI cover, which i think is good. i didn't realize how much alike they were until i saw them on amazon. but i don't think they're too much alike. and yes, hush sold better than the other books. i think partially because the cover appealed to a broader audience.

Unknown said...

Grrrreat cover! Wow. Really draws you in and sets you up for the story.

anne frasier said...

thanks, betina. :)
years later i'm still amazed that i ever got a cover like that.