Here she is...RITA ® :) When you're glittery and golden you don't need a last name. For those of you who don't know, she's the holy grail for romance writers, representing the highest honor that can be bestowed on a romance novel. Think Oscar ® for romantic fiction, and you'll be close. The RITA ® contest is run by the Romance Writers of America for the purpose of recognizing excellence in romantic fiction. Judged by writers, books can final in one of twelve categories, according to their sub-genre. To final in the contest is a very big deal. Winning is even better! (You can see on our sidebar that several riders were nominated for 2010.)
One of the categories that I'll be watching closely this yea

Jessica Andersen is a fan favorite who writes for Harlequin Intrigue as well as single title paranormals. Romantic Times magazine bestowed a Top Pick designation on her novel, Mountain Investigation, and had this to say about it: "Andersen's first-class novel is terrifyingly real, shatteringly topical and sweepingly romantic."
Wow! High praise indeed!

The Soldier's Secret Daughter by Cindy Dees is much more than a secret baby story. It wraps up espionage,

tale with non-stop action!

And it's exciting to note that our very own Kathleen Eagle is a finalist in this category with her title In Care of Sam Beaudry. The exquisite cover that graces this entry is more than matched by the heartfelt story about a budding romance, old secrets and a little girl's search for family.

Cold Case Affair by Loreth Anne White also racked up an RT Top Pick and Best Silhouette Romantic Suspense nomination, as well as winning a CataNetwork Reviewer's Choice Award. Apparently all these reviewers and judges think alike! Reunited lovers try to solve an old case regarding an unsolved bombing, and murder in an Alaska town. The RT reviewer notes: "White hits the jackpot with this newest addition to the Wild Country series."
As Tracy Wolff indicates on her website, The Christmas Present is a story of love and redemption, preconception and unexpected surprises. An Amazon reviewer agrees, calling it:
"...an engaging legal thriller with a delightful lead couple...falling in love while trying to defend an Hispanic teen from a murder rap." Sounds right up my (reading) alley!
And the RITA ® goes to...? Well, to discover the answer to that question you'll have to wait until after the gala awards ceremony held in Orlando on July 31st. But I think you'll agree that this category is chock full of remarkable books written by amazing authors. And I can't wait applaud for the winner!Are you a romantic suspense / adventure fan? What makes a book award worthy to you?
Lots of great books there, Kylie. I love romantic suspense and award worthy in this category means it must be a page turner!
Can't wait. Wow. It's only 12 --count em 12-- days away!
I LOVE adventure/romance/mystery/suspense. (Must be why I write it!). My faves are books where the hero and/or heroine have to use skills that are NOT the ones they're trained for. It's too easy to have a character do what he's good at. I want them to have to do what they're NOT good at.
I'm mostly an anything goes type of reader. If the synopsis sounds good, I'll read it. My favorites involve military, cowboys, or sports heroes, but I will vary it up with whatever tickles my fancy at the moment. As long as I have SOMETHING to read, I'm a happy girl!!!
Helen, I love suspense too, both for reading and watching. Just watched Brooklyn's Finest last night. Lots of suspense there!
I'm a hardcore romantic suspense fan. I love stories that go non-stop from page one.
Thanks for a great list of books to add to my TBR pile.
Terry, we write what we like to read, right? I'd find it impossible to carry the length of a book without 'anything happening'!
Kris, I'm like you, I just need a book in my hand to feel complete!
Karyn, I can guarantee some great reads featured here today!
Hey Kylie! Thanks for the shout out, and congrats to the other finalists in a really solid category!! I've read and loved several of these books, and will be picking up the others at the lit signing :)
Right now my big RITA stress is whether or not the eBay 'find' that should arrive today is going to fit... otherwise it's sweats and a scrunchie for the awards ceremony- LOL.
@ Terry- I love your point about the hero/heroine finding unexpected strengths rather than the suspense happening to fall into something they're good at. I think we all have depths like that, and it makes the characters feel all that more multilayered! (Makes note to self ...)
Okay, I'm babbling. Time to get back to work. But thanks again to Kylie, and I hope you all have a great Monday!
Hi Kylie! Thanks for featuring the Contemporary Series: Suspense/Adventure Rita nominations today! Can I just say I'm beyond thrilled to be a finalist? The Rita is such an honor and I'm in really good company with some super talented (and very nice!) ladies.
BTW, congratulations on YOUR nomination in the Romantic Suspense (single title) category! Yay you! :-)
I loved writing THE CHISTMAS STRANGER, as well as the two follow up books in the Bancroft Brides series (coming Oct 2010 and Feb 2011). THE CHRISTMAS STRANGER is a story that had been rattling around in my head for years. Every Christmas, I'd think of the story, the characters and certain scenes I had plotted out in my head and tell myself, "Some dayI will write that story. Well, a couple years ago I finally said, it is someday! I pitched the idea to Patience Smith at RWA National in San Francisco and the idea for one book (TCS) grew into a series about sisters. Being one of three sisters myself, writing about three close, but very different sisters was second nature. :-)
Thanks again and happy reading everyone, Beth C
Ditto-- thanks for the shout-out, Kylie. I'm truly honored to be mentioned amongst these awesome authors in a genre I both love to read and write. And a major congrats on your own nomination in the RS ST category! I will be watching that one closely, too.
Jessica, good luck with that ebay find! I'm going to have to hunt you down just to get a look at you in it!
Beth, how fun that you got to write relationships that you know so very much about!
Thanks so much, Loreth. I'm just sorry you're going to miss the fun of being at RWA when you're a finalist! But you're right, it's such a thrill to be nominated, it's like riding a high for months!
Howdy gang!
How fun is this to get see all my fellow nominees here when we're all nice and relaxed and not contemplating barfing into a potted plant just before the RITA Awards ceremony!
Is it just me, or are any of the rest of you terrified of dribbling gravy on your RITA gown (or sweats and scrunchie in Jess's case)? I'm more terrified of eating in my dress than I am of having to give a speech!
I have to say, when I saw the list of finalists in my category this year, my very first thought was how totally cool a group of ladies this was to be part of. I'm going to be delighted no matter who wins, because every one of these women is not only an incredible writer, but also a heck of a nice person.
Can't believe we're under two weeks to Orlando. Loreth, I'm so sorry you can't join us, but I promise we'll party extra hard in your honor.
Until then happy reading everyone!
Thanks for featuring RS today, Kylie! For my part, it's, you know, an honor just to be a finalist. I was really surprised when I got the news that SAM had made the finals. I wasn't sure which category to put him in, and while I do thing the book is truly RS, the fact that it's a Special Ed put me in a quandry. Frankly, I went by comments made by reviewers. I'm glad I made the right choice.
Hey, fellow finalists! I'm pleased to be in your company.
Y'all come back on Saturday (the 24th) or Sunday when I'll be spotlighting the Historical finalists. I'll give a signed copy of IN CARE OF SAM BEAUDRY to one of our Saturday-Sunday commenters.
Thanks for dropping by, Cindy. I found myself wishing there wasn't a banquet this year because it's sooo much more calming to dine out with editor/agent than to sit for hours at the table!
Kathleen, that is an interesting note about where to place your book. I don't recall seeing a SE in the category before. I spent years placing my category books in the wrong category (thus throwing away my $$$!) so it is nice to get a hint from reviewers before you place it.
I like romantic suspense.. and it has to grab you from page one to the last page...
I have read Kathleen's book and it was just that.. Grabbed me an kept me reading.. And
Good luck Kathleen... and all the gals of RWTTD...will be rooting fof you.. Wish I could be there to cheer you on, but maybe next year.
Thanks, Kathleen O! I'm an RS lover from way back and all my favorite books and movies seem to have suspense in them to. Add romance, and it's a perfect experience!
All great looking stories! I love any story that has action adventure in it!
I'm a huge RS fan! I think it's super hard to do in the category format (vs single title), simply because you have to address a suspense plot and a romance in such a short page count, without gratuitous "on the run" sex, TSTL heroines, and a very short timeline. I don't know how y'all do it.
There are actually a couple on this list I haven't read before - I'm quickly writing them down.
Michele--I'm with you. Action and adventure...and if there's romance with it, even better!
Lori, I'm glad you're going to check the books out. It *is* hard to do an intelligent suspense with an emotionally satisfying romance in the shorter word count. Which makes these ladies doubly talented!
Romantic suspense books are my favorite genre out there. Keep them coming authors! Thanks for sharing the up close look at RITA.
I think of award worthy books as those whose characters linger in my mind, long after I've finished the book. The page turning books that I just don't want to end. I read them fast, then want to read them right over again.
Stephania, yes! Those are the ones that end up on our keeper shelves!
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