Saturday, April 21, 2007

Shameless promotion - Check out Cindy's new book trailer

Hey all. I finally took the plunge and had a trailer made for my May 29th release, INTO THE DARK.
Dark is the conclusion of the Bodyguard Series - but for you die hard fans, don't fret. You'll meet some of the heroes and one of the heroines of the next series in Dark and I'm hoping you'll love them as much as you love the Garretts.

Anyway, check out the video, would ya? I'm totally in love with it but I want to know what you all think.

You can find it on my website:

Or you can find it on YouTube. Here's a direct link:

I'd love it if you would comment if you go to You Tube, OR, you can find it (and me) on myspace. Yep. After much deliberation, which you were all so helpful with, I am now a myspace person. So here's yet another link.

Don't be shy about viewing the trailer there and posting a comment either, okay?

But of course, what I'd really love is for you to leave a comment here and let me know what you think of the trailer.

Have a heavenly day!!


Anonymous said...

The trailer looks great! I've already preordered my copy :D

Cindy Gerard said...

Hey Jackie
Way cool! Thanks

Helen Brenna said...

Cindy, love the trailer! That's got to be so fun to do, I'm jealous.

Great myspace too, looks great.

Go, Cindy!

Kathleen Eagle said...

What fun, Cindy! I did a trailer for RIDE A PAINTED PONY, and it was so much fun to see what the designer came up with and to work out the kinks with him.

Here's a little weekend fun, guys. Vote for best and worst covers for '06 at Cover Cafe. This is the contest AAR used to host, and now they have a separate site. Easy to do.

Anne said...

I've been waiting, waiting, waiting. And soon, so very, very soon Into The Dark will be mine, in my greedy little hands, and I'll be reading it, turning page after page, devouring more of your wonderful works, Cindy! Woot!

Cindy Gerard said...

Thanks Kathy and Helen.
And Anne - you are too funny!
I'm really getting into this myspace thing. I actually managed to put up a slide show with photos. too much fun. Now I just have to invite some friends and I'm good to go. I can see where it could get addictive - and that may be a problem.

Kathleen Eagle said...

Cindy, when I went via myspace the music on the slide show competed with the sound on the trailer, and I couldn't figure out how to turn the music off. But I'm pretty tech dysfunctional.

Cindy Gerard said...

Hi Kathy
Yeah. I haven't decided what what to do about that. I think I'll have to turn off the Carrie Underwood song and let people switch it on themselves if they want to. FWIW, however, the way it's set up now, you simply click on the sound button of the CU song and it goes off. Then you can hear the trailer music :o)

Anonymous said...

That was a great trailer! I am going to go read the series now! I love books like this,but have missed this series somehow:(

Bonus- I dont have to wait too long for INTO THE DARK to come out!

The Myspace looked great.

Cindy Gerard said...

Woo Woo Joanna. Guess the trailer was worth the effort. You'll have to let me know what you think of the series. And BTW - the first 4 books are being released 5-1 at a special value price of $4.99 if you're a bargain hunter - and who isn't these days :0)

Anonymous said...

I went in to work today and ordered the first one already. I cant wait for bargins thats the kind of person I am:P

Cindy Gerard said...

Atta girl! You're my kind of shopper :o)

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I finally got to see the trailer-- it's GREAT! Yes, I'm going to have to go back for the other books too, since I didn't start the series with you. Can't wait!

As Anne said-- woot!