Confession time: I hate shopping. Although my mother was the consummate shopper, as were her sister and my oldest sibling, that gene is missing in my DNA makeup. I'll go without something I need for weeks until sheer desperation overcomes my loathing and I'm forced to dash into a store. I don't linger recalling other things I really need to pick up, either. It's all about getting in and out in the shortest amount of time possible. Which means I go without a lot, unless I can con my husband into going for me.
He actually does do a bit of my shopping. Strangely, he's never minded (except at this time of year.) He'll go and bring home some sweaters and new pants for me, which I can then keep or have him take back,. You have to admit, that's a pretty sweet deal. It's like having my own personal shopper, albeit one whose tastes run to the low-cut and slutty. (Those are the ones he usually has to take back.) I'm a huge Christmas junkie, so my shopping aversion used to be set aside at this time of year. But as I get older I have even less patience for the crowds, lack of inventory and unhelpful clerks. Too much going store to store has me plotting homicide, as evidenced by my marathon excursion on Sunday. (You hear that, Toys 'R Us employee???? They would *never* find your body!)
That's why one of my favorite things about Christmas is online shopping.
Ahh. Now *that* I could wax poetic about! Last week, Christmas lists in hand, I spent 4 1/2 hours one night getting started on my shopping. Afterwards there was no braving the cold to haul packages out to the car. No jostling crowds in the mall or trudging from one place to the other looking for that must have gift. Just me stretched out on my chaise lounge, Diet Coke in one hand, credit card in another, in search of deals.

Online shopping fills me with childlike wonder. Free shipping makes my Christmas holiday all shiny and bright :)
And then there's the packages. Like magic they begin to appear on the porch every afternoon, two and three a day. And each of them represents more than a gift: they represent one less store I had to force myself into. So far I have successfully avoided the reality that next week, I'm really going to have to start wrapping.
I insist on Christmas lists from my kids before they leave after Thanksgiving. It's a bonus when I get one that comes complete with links!
What are your favorite parts of the season? Any least favorites? Do you have the shopping gene or are you a mutant like me ?
normally, I am a complete shopaholic, but at christmas, I do as much on-line as possible. it is no fun to be around amateur shoppers!!!!
I'm with you, Kylie, I hate shopping. I'm convinced it skips generations. My mom and daughter love to shop.
A few years ago, online shopping seemed more expensive, but now with all the free shipping it's AMAZING!
You have trained your hubby well, Kylie. Your own personal shopper? Nice.
I too, insist on wish lists at Amazon from everyone. A few in our family do not have wish lists, and so far, I haven't gotten them anything. If they're smart, they'll get that list made! :-)
Love online shopping as well, and having the UPS guy do all the walking instead of me.
I'm just not a Christmas person. I feel badly about that. I mean...you have to like Christmas, right????? And shopping and Christmas...they go hand in hand in this country. I think we need to reverse the trend. Like...instead of buying a hundred gifts no one really needs we could all donate time to a charity or hike off to a tropical island. Ahhhh, I like that one. I think it's about 100 below zero here this morning.
Krisgils, I don't like the crowds at all! I find I have more and more aversion to crowded stores the older I get. I'm probably one of those amateurs, lol!
Helen, as a bonus once in a great while I still find one that doesn't charge tax. Heaven!
Michele, the joke in our family is if they don't give me a list it's going to be a 'shirt' Christmas. Apparently, many moons ago, I sort of overdid it on the rugby shirt presents But it served as a good lesson for them, LOL. They know the value of a list!
Lois, this year my husband and I are not buying much for each other so we can afford our annual tropical trek. So rewarding come March!
I do my Christmas shopping year round or I'd go mad trying to get it all done in November and December. However, my favorite day to go shopping? Christmas Eve. I know, sounds crazy. I'm not usually racing to finish my shopping, just hitting a few stores, buying last minute ornaments. You'd be surprised how few people (and those are mostly men) are shopping at 2pm the night before Christmas.
I also missed the shopping gene. I don't get it. Just get me in and get me out of the store. LOVE on line shopping - even though I feel guilty that I'm not supporting the local businesses. but ... as you said ... I can do it all from the comfort of my HOME office. Oh the joy of it.
But i do love seeing the packages stack up under the tree and the anticipation in the little ones's eyes as they try to figure out what they're going to get in that pretty package.
But Kylie - seriously? your DH shops for your clothes? That would NEVER happen in our house. My guy is color, style and fashion blind. And gets his feelings hurt easily so he gave up on shopping for clothes for me a long time ago...
Cat, how do you know what to get when you shop out of season? That's my problem. I'm lucky to get lists by Thanksgiving, LOL!
Cindy, I didn't say I liked everything he brought home, LOL, but he has always been a shopper, even when we were dating. And he is awesome at picking out jewelry!
I hate shopping and as yet I've bought one gift online and my husband picked up a couple of things. Part of it is the economy. Part is that I don't have any good ideas this year - I just can't buy any old thing or GC's - my problem lol. I think a big part of it is because my mom worked in a department store and would buy things and you had no choice. I got use to it lol. I can't remember her ever going out just to shop.
My favorite thing is when I do come up with something that makes the other person really happy.
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