Do you remember being a kid and wondering what you wanted to be when you grew up? It’s very clear in my mine, but I think that might only be true because when I was in third grade my teacher asked us to write it down so she could keep the papers and let us review our answers in a few years.

I wanted to be a farmer’s wife. That’s right. Reach high. Not a doctor or a scientist or a great novelist. :) Not even a farmer, but a farmer’s wife. For the last ohhhhh, forty years I’ve considered that kinda pathetic and anti feminist. But I just spent last weekend at my new grandson’s birthday party. (He’s 6 so I’m not really a grandmother in the traditional sense.) But anyway, I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He didn’t miss a beat, didn’t hesitate, didn’t waffle. “Batman!” he said.
Unequivocally the best answer I’ll ever heard. Although later he was a little less certain. Maybe he’d rather be Ironman. When I suggested that he’d probably have to do well in college to be Ironman…I mean…Ironman invented some pretty cool stuff, he thought maybe he’d just be a cowboy then. However, he’s still a little uncertain of horses so I’d have to ride with him. The images here were absolutely priceless for me…we’ll be the first bucking bronco grandmother/grandson duo.

Anyway, how about you? Do you remember what you dreamed of being when you were a kid? Do you remember why? Did it come true or did your dreams change? And is it too late to become a superhero? :)
I always always wanted to be a writer, and that dream came true 3 years ago. I became a teacher to pay the bills and have been teaching for 22 years now and can't imagine leaving (except for the paperwork. Gah!)
I just remember my grandmother telling me I should be a secretary in a "nice office". I'm sure I rolled my eyes at that one, simply because it was nowhere near anything I would have wanted. I was the first, one, and only person in my family to go to college and came out with a degree in Geology. No real idea where I got that from! But, I love it and have had a pretty great professional career.
What a fun topic, Lois! I honestly don't remember what I wanted to be, only that I didn't want to get married and I didn't want to have kids. lol So, yeah, I guess things have changed.
It's never to late to be a superhero!
Congratulations MJ. It's such a blessing when we get to do what we love. And nevvvver easy to get published.
I wanted to be a flying unicorn. never lacked for an imagination, but I figured that was the cheapest way to travel around and see the world. maybe along the way I'd save a couple lives for some free food.
yeah. that would be the life.
A geologist!! Love it.
But it's hard to beat the flying unicorn idea, Keri. You go girl!
This is sort of scary but ever since I was in second grade I wanted to be a psychiatrist :) Until I was in high school *in lurv* and the thought of eight years of college didn't thrill me.
At the other end of this spectrum is my oldest son, who when he was eight wanted to drive a Pepsi truck :)
My daughter wanted to 'sell stuff' when she was little. NOW she's considering psychology. Maybe just in an attempt to fix me. :)
I wanted to be a princess... or a star would do too. Neither have worked out so far. I keep trying for the princess gig with my family, but they're not biting.:)
I probably wanted to be Barbie's friend. She had all the cool stuff, like the pink convertible, the camper, the apartment, the freakin' airplane. Or maybe I just had my eye on Ken. ;-)
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