In any case, this is Kate Dillon's story and the sequel to her sister Maggie's story in FINDING MR RIGHT. I knew the moment the bodyguard, who went only by the name of Riley, showed up in FINDING MR RIGHT, that he and Kate were in for a tangle. Kate refers to him as Tarzan. How could they not have been meant to be?

Then again, this story is unlike anything I've written before. This book travels from Washington D.C to Rome to Athens to Moscow and, finally, Istanbul in a race to steal several ancient Greek statues before the villain can kill Riley's sister-in-law.
The statues are fictitious, but I took the concept from mythology. Ever heard of the primordial gods, Aether, Chaos, Chronus, Erebus, Gaia, Hemera, Zephyrus, Nyx, Tartarus, and Ouranos? I thought they'd be more fun to write about the lesser know gods than good old Zeus, Aphrodite, Hera and the like. And it gave me an excuse for more research.
It was wild ride to write, so I hope it'll be a fun read.
Do you like mythology? Ever heard of the primordial gods?
To celebrate this week's official release of THE MOON THAT NIGHT, I'm giving away three copies of the prequel, FINDING MR RIGHT. If you already have that book, you can pick something else from my backlist. If all else fails, I'll send you a pretty tasseled bookmark!
So what are you waiting for? Run out and buy the book!
I enjoy mythology but I don't know a lot about it. We didn't study it back when I was in school. I can't wait to read this one.
Hi, Helen! Congratulations on your latest release and all the good things going on in your life! When an author has fun with her research, the creation of her characters, and developing her story line, then her delight shows in her finished work. The reader senses the author's enjoyment, and the reading experience is greatly enhanced. The fact that you still have fun and look forward to future works is part of your ability to tell a great romantic story. Also, I really appreciate your focus on mythology and primordial gods--makes me feel like a young sprite! You found something and someone older than me : )
US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Woo Woo Helen! Number 10! What a cool milestone. congratulations and here's to many many more!
I love mythology and have even been toying with the idea of dabbling into some ancient Mayan and Inca mythology for a set of future books. We'll see what happens!
Can't wait to pick up a copy of THE MOON THAT NIGHT!
Linda, mythology gets complicated and, believe it or not, there's always more than one version of a story! Hope you like TMTN!
Virginia, I think it shows, too, when a writer is really getting into their research. Sometimes we get carried away putting too much of that fun stuff in there, but I try to find a balance. And, yes, the primordial gods are much older than us.
Chaos is considered the creator of the universe from a mythological standpoint.
Thanks Cindy! And you hit on two of my favorites - the Maya and Inca. Did a ton of research on Inca myths for my 2nd Super, DAD FOR LIFE. Even made up a few stories in my book!
I was not exposed to mythology in grade school or high school. I did pick up a little via my children's schooling. I'm only familiar with the Zeus, Diana, Cerce, Hera , Mt Olympus, Venus .... I never heard of the primordial gods.
Your book "The Moon That Night", an adventure romance my favorite!
Helen, this sounds fabulous! I love that you used lesser known gods because I actually really like to LEARN things when I read!:) Huge congrats on your 10th! And isn't this book your finalist for the RT Reviewer's Choice? Woo-hoo!;)
Whooppeeee! Major congrats, Helen! I see a long and steady career ahead of you. Ten is a cool milestone. You doing anything special to celebrate!
Hi Laurie - I had a mythology class in high school and it really resonated with me. I didn't really get how much I liked this stuff until I started writing.
Hey Leanne - oh, I have to go back and mention the RT part in my post - thanks for reminding me!
Thanks Michele! You know, it didn't even hit me until this morning that I SHOULD be doing more to celebrate this release. Ten's a big deal. I'm heading out to buy a nice bottle of wine this afternoon. And maybe some ... chocolate!
Hey Kirsten! I think one of the reasons I like mythology is that you never really know what's going to happen in the stories. They're all so unpredictable. Thanks for stopping by!
Congrats Helen! The book sounds wonderful. And thanks for the compliment.
Love the movies you mentioned. Love mythology. I'm sure I'll love the book.
Congrats on your new release. I enjoy books that have mythology in them. I have heard of a few of the primordial gods.
Whoo, this book sounds like a wild ride. Congrats on number 10 and on your nomination from RT.
I'm off to the bookstore as soon as work is done. It'll be my "poolside read" over Christmas.
I really like Mythology and my favorite story is that of Persephone. I love everything about it. Her going to the underworld, her mother creating winter to symbolize the lost of her daughter for the time she has to return. It's such a powerful and beautiful tale. I would love to read your book Finding Mr Right.
Big congratulations on Number 10--I'm so thrilled for you and all your success. You're a huge inspiration to me. I love the premise of your book. Mythology is fascinating to me, especially what you talked about--that there are so many variations on the stories and even different sets of gods both greater and lesser. I'm going to head for the store and pick up TMTN--can't wait to read it!
Thanks Lois and Crystal!
Poolside, eh, Cat! Sounds nice!
Sylvia, Persephone's story is one of the more heart wrenching, I agree. But then if you turned Hades into a tortured, but heroic figure, what a romance that could be!
Thanks Liz!! On all counts!
Mythology was one of the few interesting topics that we learned in school. I know bits and pieces and always found them fascinating. Your book sound very interesting and I always love adventure stories.
Congratulations on your new release, Helen! Your 10th. So cool!
I know a bit about Greek Mythology, but that's about it.
Enjoy your day!
Number 10! Look at you. I love your adventure superromances, cannot wait to read this, plus, I love the title.
Love mythology, and yes, I had heard of most of the primordial gods, I too, enjoy learning as I'm reading.
Congratulations on the readers' choice nomination too.
Number 10! Wow! It seems like only yesterday... I've probably mentioned a time or 10 how much I love the cover and the title of this one. I'm getting it asap at least partly because...
I LOVE mythology! Lit major here. Yep, I've heard of the primordial gods.
Love Mythology! Can't wait to read the book.
Best Wishes,
Okay, this is a Chatty Kathy topic. LOVE mythology! The first really big fat book I read as a kid--I remember getting it at the library--was Greek Mythology. I was 9 or 10.
In high school we read Edith Hamilton's "Mythology" which is a great overview of Greek, Roman and Norse, and it's the one I used when I taught high school English. In college, Bullfinch was the standard--don't know whether it still is.
When I taught high school English, depending on the grade (taught them all at one time or another) I did a unit with the Hamilton, followed by a unit on American Indian mythology. The following year we read "The Odyssey." Sometimes we did "The Iliad" at some point, but "The Odyssey" is a must. Some of my old students still talk about this stuff when I see them. "The Odyssey" is a big favorite. I consider mythology to be essential in high school. Truly.
Because I was teaching on an Indian reservation, American Indian stories became part of my curriculum, and the question always came up about the similarities among creation stories and the like. Back in the day, we used to talk about the fact that myth doesn't mean untrue. Myths have to do with the supernatural. I don't know whether teachers are allowed this kind of discussion these days--what a pity if they aren't--but let's face it, every religion has its mythology. If you're a believer, your faith determines what is true with regard to these stories.
Then, of course, you go on to differentiate among legends, fables, folklore, etc. Love this stuff!
Thanks for the post, Helen. The grandkids are due for a good mythology collection. Making a bookstore trip for that and THE MOON THAT NIGHT!
Thanks for stopping by Catslady, Tami, Neecy and Amy!
Kathy, the English teacher that I had for mythology in HS was my favorite. Miss Nelson. Will have to check with my mom to see what she's up to.
I'm going to guess every culture's mythology has some form of a creation myth. We humans are always trying to make sense out of things we can't explain, right?
Helen, congratulations on your latest release! I loved mythology class in HS, though I don't remember much of it. Kids tend to wipe out your memory. LOL Looking forward to reading THE MOON THAT NIGHT!
Happy Release Day, Helen. I do like mythology and do remember hearing about the primordial gods, but of course I can't recall the details.
Hi Donna! (Me waving east!) I get the whole memory wipe thing. If kids don't do it, menopause sure will! lol
Hi,, Jane, and thanks for stopping by!
I like mythology, although I'm obviously more familiar with Finnish mythology.
Oh, Finnish mythology. You got me wanted to start googling, Minna!
Helen, congrats on the new release. Love the plot concept!
Congratulations on your big milestone, Helen. The book sounds wonderful-I LOVE adventure romance!
This sounds like a fun book! !0 books is very cool!
Cheryl Ann Smith
Patti, Alison and Cheryl! Thanks so much for stopping by and helping me celebrate. Sipping on a glass of wine right now. Just toasted with my dh. A good day.
I JUST discovered you!
How do I enter your contest?
Mythology is great and it is super that you are going for Chaos, Nyx, Chronos and etc!
I cannot wait to read all your books!
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