Sunday, October 11, 2009

Steampunk Cakes

You know a genre is resonating when cake decorators get in on the act.

Here's a sample to whet your appetite and if you'd like to see some more, you can check out a cake decorating blog with more examples.



Paula R said...

Hi, I have seen this phrase "steam punk" before, but I still have no idea what it is all about. Could someone explain it to me please?

Cindy, I hope that you are recovering nicely from your celebration!

Helen, I hope that all is well with you too. Hopefully, we will meet up on FB again one of these days.

Have a great rest of this sunny Sunday all.

Peace and love,
Paula R.

GunDiva said...

Someone sent me the link to the Cake Disasters blog and the only thing that makes me sad is that I can't find a follow button for it. I love that site :)

Debra Dixon said...

Paula-- steampunk is anything (fiction, clothes, clocks, etc.) with a Victorian/Edwardian influence. Steam powered machines.

It's how the world might look if Jules Verne designed the world instead of the space age Jetsons.

The textures and attention to detail is important.

Debra Dixon said...

Gun Diva--

My friend follows Cake Wrecks and sends me the pics. You'd think she would have a follow button, huh?

Paula R said...

Thanks for the explanation Debra. I got a message about a contest using steam punk, but I had no clue what it was. I will have to do some research. Have a great day.

Peace and love,
Paula R.