So here it is, the dress I picked out for the Awards Ceremony in San Francisco. I went to several different stores, looked at and tried on a ton of dresses, both short and long, and finally settled on this one.
Thanks for all your input, guys, a few weeks back. All the comments helped me solidify what I was looking for. The tight black bodice on this style requires a tummy tuck devise, something I've never worn before. I can suck it up. For a while, anyway. But, sure enough, I'd forget at the worst possible moment and someone will take a pic of me from the side with my gut hanging out!
Now all I have to do is practice my Eva Longoria itty bitty steps walk. Oh, and I'll be at the club, frantically working those arms too!
One last little detail and I'm set for national. Do I wear the necklace I'm wearing or would the dress look better with a big rhinestone confection and dangling globs?
Silver and black or rhinestone?
Love that necklace, Helen! And you look FABULOUS! Whatever the outcome of the ceremony, you're a winner to us!
I love that necklace too. Ties in with the dress. And great choice! Gym? Why? You look awesome!
Luck at the RITAs!
You look wonderful Helen! I love the necklace too.
Thanks, guys! It's sounding like I should stick with the silver and black.
You look fab! The dress I'm wearing Friday night has that same shirring (though it's short and in a sort of tribal print). I like the necklace. If you decided to go with rhinestone/dangles, I'd just do earrings and no necklace.
The bitty steps are tough. Are your shoes easy to walk in?
Can't wait to see you guys.
Can spare no time for accessorizing you when I still have to pack me! (g)
I love it.
Thanks flip!
Go, Deb, go.
Are my shoes easy to walk in? You have to be kidding, Christie. lol
Helen, you look incredible! I'm sure that either necklace would look fab, and you are really going to wow 'em all! Good luck with those itty bitty steps! ;)
You look wonderful, and the outfit will go so well with a certain statuette.
I'll be there cheering you on.
I think the black and silver looks really good. I'd stick with that.
Thanks flchen!
Fiona - yeah, that statue would look mighty purdy in my arms. Only they're gold, aren't they? I'll have to go look that up.
Thanks Ellen, I think I will. I'm not sure I'm a rhinestone kinda gal.
I can't tell if the RITA's silver or gold. Betina, dear?
I thought I commented earlier. Guess Blogger ate my post.
I seem to be the sole dissenter here. I think the necklace is lovely, but it's too casual for such a beautiful dress. I'd go with a necklace with a rhinestone drop and just CZ studs in your ears.
Just my two cents worth.
Marilyn -- who visited Icing this morning and bought some sparkly jewelry on sale. :-)
P.S. The statue is gold. I've held a couple won by friends.
Helen, you look beautiful! And I like that necklace you're wearing too. Good Luck and have fun!
You look wonderful!! And absolutely, the silver and black necklace works.
And since Betina hasn't chimed in yet, I'll answer. Rita is gold. She's sitting on my book case grinning at me right now :o)
Can wait to see you wearing it and carrying RITA around with you after the awards cerimony.
Marilyn, that was my only concern about the silver and black. It's kinds fits my personality, though. Being all decked out makes me uncomfortable anyway, so anything I can do to tone it down, helps me feel better, I think.
Thanks, Keri.
Oh, Cindy! I forgot you're a RITA star too. Just remember Betina from last year. Gold, eh? Hmmm.
By all means go with your personality. I mean, you want to be comfortable when you give your Rita acceptance speech, don't you? :-)
Trust me Helen - RITA gold goes with ANYTHING :o)
That, Cindy, I don't doubt!!!
Helen, you look mahvalous! What a treat--thanks so much for the sneak peek. I love the necklace. Way to give 'em the ol' rassle-dazzle, sweetie. You win, hands down!
Yowza, yowza. Oh, you look lovely. Always do, though.
Are you nervous?
Thanks Kathy!
Susie, ha! You have to ask? But I'm hoping for a surreal sense of calm to hit me about 6pm Saturday night. Think that could happen?
The necklace looks great!
Love the dress, Helen! Mermaid skirts are sooo cool and you look lovely in it! As to jewelry, I've always heard to load it on and then look in the mirror and take one thing off - LOL! I may look like a gypsy if I go that route:)My hubby wants to give props to your husband on the plastic decking - LOL! We installed ours last year (looonnnggg story about cedar, sanding every year vs. the thousand dollars!!, etc. etc.) Will your husband be at the RITA Awards? Mine is hoping he's not the only man being wrangled into a tux!
Thanks, Estella!
Jamie, that's an interesting tip on jewelry. I don't tend to wear much, so for events like this conference, I have to make myself put it on. I should try your route.
Yep, my dh is coming along with my 14 year old son. So we know there will be at least 2 men in the audience! LOL
The deck we JUST replaced last month. Turned out nice. Thanks for noticing! It feels so nice on my bare feet.
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