Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday's Winner Is . . .

Drum roll please!

Cai! You're the winner of a gift basket including one of my favorite writing cd's (for listening while reading or writing!), some lovely bath stuff, and a copy of the absorbing and entrancing grammar book, The Comma Sutra.

Even if you're not a writer or an aspiring author, Cai, you'll enjoy this spicy introduction to improving the written word! Some of the examples used are. . . very memorable!

Send me your snail-mail address, Cai, to: and I'll ship your goodies right out to you!



Tarot By Arwen said...

I'm HOWLING here because Cai and the comma have a long and personal history. Hee! She's my writing partner. Congrats, Cai!

Cai said...

WOW! That's so fabulous! Thank you, Betina. ;)

I'll send you my snail mail address - and as to YOU, Miss Arwen...SHHHHHH on my issues with commas!! ;)



Estella said...

Wtg, Cai!

Anonymous said...

Ah, this sounds like the perfect prize! Congrats, Cai! And you may want to share the hints you get with others. . . especially the giggles!


Keri Ford said...

Congrats Cai! It sounds like it's going to be a fun prize!