(Remember we're doing a big giveaway to one lucky commenter today!) You know, that time of year when you’re supposed to bare it all (or at least what you can bear to bare). I was reminded of this last weekend when it was cold and drizzly here in SoCal. I was out shopping with my niece when she asked brightly, “Aunt Tiffy,” (she has called me Aunt Tiffy since she was tiny), “Have you bought a new summer swimsuit yet?” As if this was an event to look forward to! I answered, “No, and I haven’t stuck a sharpened stick in my eye yet either.” She was surprised by my…lack of interest in shopping for such an item (since I’m pretty much ecstatic about shopping for everything else). It took a couple of minutes, but then I was able to hark back to those days when swimsuit shopping didn’t leave one feeling so…grim.
But I’m at the grim stage now. It happened a couple of years back when my friend Lisa told me that stores like my neighborhood Macy’s change the bulbs in the dressing rooms in the swimsuit departments when the season comes upon us. Pink, she told me, the bulbs are pink and are much more flattering. So when I had to get a new suit very early in the season for a vacation we had planned, I walked out of the dressing room, frowning. The salesclerk asked me what was wrong. I said, “I guess you haven’t gotten around to changing the light bulbs to those pink ones yet.” “Oh, yes,” she replied (brightly again, if you look forward to bikini season, you speak in very bright tones), “we did that last week.”
And it seems

so unfair! Why can’t fashion dictate we dress for the sand and surf like a man? I buy bathing suits without a shudder for Surfer Guy. The most complicated issue is whether to purchase a board short or a more traditional suit. I may dither if that particular style in “Medium” will be long enough for his long legs. For men, it’s more about the cover-up than the uncover! They can even wear their long swimsuit with a baggy T-shirt and say they’ve forgotten their sunscreen. If a woman tried that, everyone would know she was remembering how even the pink bulbs couldn’t work their magic.
But I have a way for you to buy a cute bikini, right off the rack, without worrying about the fit…only about the fun! Tomorrow, the first in my

Malibu-set trilogy,
How to Knit a Wild Bikini, will appear in your local bookstore. Take one home and enjoy a taste of summer sans sunscreen, sand fleas, and worry about bathing suit bottom ride-up!
Can you remember your favorite swimsuit? I remember mine. It was reversible bikini, turquoise on one side and lime green on the other. Share yours!
Remember we’ll be picking one of our commenters to win a $100 Barnes & Noble gift certificate in honor of the blog’s second anniversary!
My favorite was this white bikini I had when the DH and I first got married. We were living in Florida and I had a tan to die for. And a body that was 30 pounds lighter than it is now. I thought I was hot stuff.
There isn't enough money on earth to get me in a bikini now. I bought a new swimsuit last summer for a cruise and found one with thie stretchy panel in the front that helps control the bulge. Ugh. It's black with flowers cause black makes your butt look smaller.
Guys sure do have it easy. And not just with swimsuits. My husband goes on a week-long business trip with a suitcase small enough to carry on. Nobody seems to care if he wears the same khaki and black pants all week with a different polo each day. I go to RWA conference with the biggest suitcase I own and it's stuffed to the gills.
Marilyn - who loved HTKAWB by the way. Very sexy and the dialogue is brilliant!
Marilyn: I =know=! Men have it so much easier. Last year on my way to the National conference the person behind the counter told me I was overweight, I mean my luggage! Hey, I have to have shoes for each outfit.
Glad you enjoyed HTKAWB!
Christie, First of all I wanted to say that I really enjoy your books. I would have to go and count, but I think I have read somewhere between 5 and 10. They are always so fun.
Now to answer your question, my favorite swimsuit was from way back in the 80's when I was in middle school. I can't remember what type of suit it was called, but it was sort of like a bikini, with the top and bottom connected only at the sides. Basically you were left with a big hole in the front and the back. It was black on the bottom and multi-colored on the top. I think I was around 14 at the time and I thought I was smoking hot!!
I will definitely put your book on my "to read" list. But I just spent $200 at the book store last week....gasp....don't tell my husband. (yes, one of those books was yours, I bought the only one they had in stock that I hadn't already read.....Not Another New Year...is that the right title? I would have to go look)
Take care
I loved my royal blue tankini from about 6 years ago. I found it on sale at TJ Maxx and paid almost nothing for it(it is a Lauren). I still have it hoping one day I will be able to fit into it again.
Christie, I loved HTKAWB! I got the arc to read and review for RNTV. I'm already looking forward to the next book (loved the excerpt)and especially what I hope will be Gabe and Cassandra's book.
My favorite swimsuit was a chocolate brown/orange/turquoise one piece that I had waaaay back in Jr. High. I loved that suit!
Nowadays I order them from Land's End and try them on in the privacy of my own home...where I control the light bulbs. ;)
My fave bikini was white and had pink flowers on it. Congrats on the new release! I have added it to my wishlist!
Btw, I've met you in person (Atlanta) and you can't convince me you don't look fabulous in a swimsuit. I, on the other hand, have sampled a few too many of those chocolates I make and may try for the "surfer guy" look this year. ;)
Nicole: Oh, that suit does sound smokin' hot! I remember those. V. sexy. And my fave swimsuit that I mentioned...it was the one I bought at 15.
Yep...it's Not Another New Year's. Hope you enjoy it!
Liza: Now that's the best, getting a bathing suit at a good price that you love. I was so happy when they came out with tankinis. Perfect combo of the one-piece/bikini thing. I have two or three. I have a really but one that comes with a matching sarong. I even have a picture of myself on my website wearing it! (That's not brave, it just covers that much up.)
Amy: I'm always attracted to white suits. They look great with a tan.
PJ: How is the Land's End fit? I buy stuff for Surfer Guy from them so I have the catalogs all the time and do look at the suits.
And yes, Gabe and Cassandra's story is the third in the trilogy! I'm working on it right now. I just saw the movie Catch and Release (well, caught the last few minutes) and Tim (is it Tim?) Olyphant SO reminds me of Gabe.
Ug! Swimsuit season wouldn't be so bad if we were allowed to still get TAN!! Geesh.
My fav was a black string bikini (last string bikini I've owned) I wore in Hawaii back when I first got engaged. That sun was so strong I had to spend half the time completely covered up under an umbrella and I still broke out in a terrible rash.
But, dang, I was tan!
I like the new two pieces where the top has a loose, babydoll type cover over the tummy. What are those called?
Christie, I love the suits from Land's End, especially the tankini. They sell the tops and bottoms separately which is terrific for people like me who have drastically different sizes on top and bottom. They're a little pricey but made really well and last a long time. They have a measurement size chart on their website and run pretty true to those sizes.
Christie, fyi...
Eloisa James is pimping your books over on her bulletin board and generating excitement for HTKAWB.
Probably this black bikini, which had padding and made me look very cleavage-ish...and the bottoms were full and held in a bit of my tummy.
Of course, we did a slip and slide that year and I was the girl whose top did a Girls Gone Wild routine.
I still hear about it.
I did try on my friend's bikini one year, a nude net string bikini...and I remember making the boys do a double-take in a good-good way.
Alas my bikini days are FAR over.
My favorite was a brown and coral bikini that I wore when I was very young. The top was similar to the one on your cover. I would always untie the top strings so I wouldn't get any marks. The bottom was also held on by strings. Those stayed tied at all times. lol
Hey, y'all, at least you HAD bikini days! I'm always been built like somebody's grandma-- especially in the chest department. No bikinis for this girl!
My favorite-- which I think they still make and I need to find for the upcoming season-- is a Speedo tank suit that has a behind the neck fastening. I LOVE that style; shoulders free, but it feels fairly-- um-- secure. I had three of them and wore them totally out. I need to go shopping again!
Hi Christie! I'm so with you, like 99% of women, I'm sure. My favorite is the little skirts. Don't get me wrong, I've considered one, but doesn't that totally scream, I have fat to cover up!! lol
My favorite suit was one in high school. You know, when they still looked okay on (although I didn't think so then!) It was a bikini, bright blue and green on the top and blue, green and black on the bottom. That was also my favorite body. *sigh*
I've never been big on bikinis for myself, even when I sort of had the body for it. I'm too pasty white. I don't really tan well, don't like to bake in the sun. (At my age, I'm glad I didn't. Skin's still in pretty good shape.)
I had a two-piece in high school I thought was pretty cute, but it had a little skirt, yellow gingham with eyelet. It was me.
BUT my best friend and I bought matching bikinis at Filene's Basement Boston--mine was silver metallic, hers gold. Pretty much for a lark. I never wore mine to the beach, but I think I used it as part of a costume once.
Gotta say, it was fun buying a bathing suit after I lost 50 pounds a couple of years ago. It's a great one piece.
Bikinis are so cute. If you've got it, flaunt it.
Oh, to be back at my high school weight. I looked good in a bikini back then. But 25 years and a kid will do things to your body. Sigh.
Christie, the book sounds great!
Happy anniversary. Riding with the Top Down! (Which has a whhole different sort of meaning when discussing bikinis, don't you think? LOL!)
Love the book concept. And it'll be going on my reading pile pronto!
Favorite suit? Well, that was a long time ago. LOL! Even in my "slender" days (and don't I wish I looked like I did when I was in my 20's and hiding from the camera!!)...even in my slender days I had a natural endowment, and I don't mean a scholarship. I always felt a bit exposed in a swimsuit.
I also tended to burn (because I'm fish belly white) and I used that as an excuse to slap a t-shirt on over the swimsuit.
What does it say that I can't recall having a favorite swimsuit? *g*
I had a hot pink with purple flames bikini that looked awesome on me 50 pounds ago... sigh. I wouldn't be caught dead in it now, lol. I now stick to a black one piece and usually wear shorts over it. :)
Bikinis have never been my thing. Even in high school, I didn't have the shape or self-esteem to wear one.
Since having kids, the idea of a wearing a bikini is ludicrous. I tend to buy black one-piece suits. And then I never wear them. :)
Your book looks wonderful and striking.
I had a lovely white bikini with pink trim which fit me perfectly and felt great. I was very young and enjoyed this opportunity.
Black with white trim. High legs, neckline that dipped so low it was in danger of being a waistline. I was 18, a size 2, and it was the first time I ever felt like I looked good in a swimsuit. Loved it bad.
Christie, I did enjoy it. I already finished it. I am so horrible with book titles, but the one that I read before that was the one with Tea and Johnny. I really love how your books are not necessarily series, but you have recurring characters. I love that style of writing, you know, you follow up with what happens to the friends and siblings of your characters, just in other books.
Keep up the good writing!!!
Honest to Gods, the best swimsuit I ever had was when I could wear shorts and a t-shirt down to the bayou. I hate hate hate hate shopping for them and wearing them. However, I love to swim so I have to buy one. :) So I guess last year's find will work as the best: Black halter top with a flattering (Read hide the fat) skirt over boy -type shorts.
HEY! It's almost as good as a t-shirt and shorts. :D
Yep, remember those 'good' years when a swimsuit looked great on me. But my favorite is a swimsuit my daughter had when she was one. It was a little leopard print one piece, and she looked a big chunk when wearing it, like a little Pebbles Flintstone. I still have that suit!
I had this awesome black bikini that looked to die for on my paler than a vampire skin back during my goth days. LOL
::smooch:: to my buddy Eloisa! Thanks, PJ, for letting me know.
Okay, am I the only one seeing a pattern here? Our fave bathing suit (if we had one) was in those no-hips years. And all suits look better with a tan, but can't do that anymore. However, Surfer Guy bought me a series of spray tans at the local tanning place for Valentine's Day. I wasn't sure at first...but now I think it works great. I cover up my face because I think the color looks weird there, but it's a nice golden color on my arms and legs.
Lasts a few days, long enough for a party weekend, something like that. Mystic Tan. Recommend!
I had this two-piece sky blue/white paisely suit that had a detachable skirt on the bra part so you could go bare midrif or not. I was wearing it when I met my husband - and a year later when we got married. That was 35 years ago. Though the suit (and the shape that went with it) is long gone, the marriage is stronger than ever. I have fond memories of that suit.
Vicky Burkholder
I had this really great bikini that was white with a floral print that reminded me of a tropical island. There was a piece of ruffled material on the waistband of the bikini in the front and a tie with the same fabric in the middle of the bikini top. I LOVED that bikini. I loved being that THIN! *whimper*
Know a swimsuit that I always loved, it was in a Huey Lewis & The News Video... remember the one on the beach where the woman is wearing the white one piece that has a totally open back? I always wanted one, but when I tried it on it looked hideous.
VickyB: That suit sounds very cute with the detachable part on the bra. Like the "babydoll" suit that Helen mentioned. Must look for something like that, though I'm always afraid in those babydoll tops that someone will think I'm cooking up my third child.
Tarot by Arwen mentions those boy shorts. I tried those. Anyone else? They did not work on me because...well, because there are my thighs. Even at my skinniest, there are still my thighs...
OMG, Michele, those little girl swimsuits are the most adorable things in the world! My daughter had this bright pink and blue one with ruffles - a matching hat, pink sunglasses and flip flops. Too cute!
My favorite swimsuit (when I was six, and still loved swimsuits) was a green and white checked cotton bikini--with ruffles, none the less. I still have photos, lol!
My favorite swim suit was a turquoise striped bikini that I bought when my husband and first got married.
Love your writing and can't wait to read this one.
Eden: I had a red/white polka dot bikini with ruffles. I loved that suit--but like you, it was before puberty!
Little girl suits are so cute! Since I just have the two sons, all I've ever bought are boardshorts, boardshorts, boardshorts. Son 1 lives in them.
oh bikini's - a thing of the past (had one of those old fashioned gall bladder operations at 33). I think my favorite was the one I bought in Hawaii when my husband was on R&R from Viet Nam - bright pink flowers with a matching hat and mumu lol.
Swimsuits and the fashion statements that accompany them are a form of torture for anyone that is not a size 2. Did I mention that I am not a size 2? I'm okay with that- my body image is good, I'm married and my hunky husband does not mind that I am "fluffy". When we were stationed in Hawaii (we are a military family) I was horrified to learn that most people wear swim attire all year round--whaaat! Since we were going to be there awhile I decided to wear men's board shorts and a halter tank with a bikini top underneath. The shorts offer a great variety and the tank helped salvage my tan. The best part was that despite the teeny bikini girls that flocked to beaches I did not feel yucky, or alone. Many of the locals (and visitors) were actually the same size as me, which meant they were real people that probably hated swimsuits as much as me. Maybe someday a comapany will create a line of board shorts made for women. I loved my hawaiian swim gear!!
My favorite was a red bikini with ruffles I had when I was ten years old. My sister is eight years younger than me but loved the suit and there was one in her size so we the only time we ever had matching outfits were the red bikinis.
Hi Christie!
PJ told us you were having quite the party in anticipation of HTKAWB! Can I say that I am SOOO excited for this book? Your hero sounds yummilicious and I can't wait to drool over him;)
Oh, and I've never had a favorite bathing suit. Bleech.
Happy 2nd anniversary! And Happy publication day tomorrow!
I remember a pink bikini with white polka dots. My favorite one when I was tiny and young. Not so tiny nor so young anymore. Happy anniversary and great success on your release.
My first swimsuit was one of those with the "cute" little skirt and was a one piece. After all my first was bought in the very early 1950s.
And I wouldn't wear a bathing suit anywhere today even tho I live very near a beach.
I used to wear a bright orange bikini to tan in the backyard. Just loved this suit. Way back when. I love the beach but no 2 piece suit now.
Kim! ::wave::
I'm thinking we should all start a revolution. We don't have to ban the 'kinis, but can't we see more of some very cute boardshort styles like Anna was talking about wearing while stationed in Hawaii? Can't we make those =in=?
First, before I forget, I can't wait for HTKAWB -- I just loved the Christmas/New Years books of yours that I have!!! :)
Okay, now bathing suits. . . alas, it's been like 15 years since I wore one, not to mention the last time I was in a location to actually wear one. LOL It was, I guess it was the summer before high school senior year and I spent a month with my Aunt and Uncle in Florida. They lived in a community with a pool, so I went ever day -- the first couple days had horrible sunburn (but hey, I wasn't thinking, I never did this before! LOL), but I learned not to do that again. But anyway, I also taught myself how to swim -- it was very sloppy, but it accomplished the task, I got from the shallow end (where I tended to stay with all the kiddies) to the 6 foot side. I couldn't get myself to starting over there since it was so deep, but hey, it was something. LOL
Alas, sorry about the long story, but memories. . . and my suit was this one piece shorts thingy (because after all, I was a tad chubby, still am, but that's not the question LOL). But I would always spread out my lovely NY Mets towel for all to see. LIke anyone really cared. LOL :)
My favorite swimsuit was the one I had when I was 17. It was a two piece with boy shorts and a halter style top. This was before I had three kids, so I had a nice flat tummy.
My very first bikini was a stretch black which fit perfectly. I wore it to the beach one lovely summer long ago. Great memories.
Lois: Wow, you taught =yourself= to swim! That's great. I learned to swim by holding onto my dad in the deep end. Then he'd slowly sink below the surface, leaving me to dog paddle or die. No, he would have saved me, but it's one of my first memories. I did go on to teach swimming lessons for a number of years. Guess it worked!
All this talk makes me ready for the smells of summer too! Coconut tanning oil and grilling hot dogs...yum!
I developed early and was self conscious, so my favorite suit was a one piece. It was white with a few large blue flowers, and most important, it was underwire.
Today I'm even more bathing suit shy. As my cup size grew, so did my self consciousness.
Needless to say, the only bikini you'll be seeing me with this summer is Christie's new book!
Awesome post and love your new release. Enjoy the celebrations.
My 2 piece was the ultimate for me. I wore it to the pool, the the beach and the lake. Loved it. Navy and yellow bikini which set off my tan.
Hey, Christie! Great post! My favorite is one I still have and...wow, can still fit into (although it's several years old and that elastic is starting to give way), a jewel-tone speedo that was actually cut to fit a thirty-something body....but can't for the life of me find another like it.
Think maybe I'll have to try the tankini/swim short combo....
Fun topic!
Happy 2nd anniversary. I can't wait to read HTKAWB . I didn't go swiming very much.
I'm a tankini girl these days myself, C.J. Add a sarong around my hips and a strong Marguerita and I MIGHT just wear it in public :o)
My husband never understood the faascination with swimsuit season. I used to hop around when he brought the mail in, just WAITING for the victoria's secret swim cataloge! I used to always buy 2 or 3 a year, couldn't help myself!
My favorite was gold that caught the light and sparkled (not metalicy though) and it had these gold coins (forgein looking money types of coins) that dangled from the string between the boobs and more dangling from the strings wrapping around my hips. Only got to wear it for one season, but I'm keeping it, by golly one day I will get back in it! I swear I will!
Happy Anniv Ladies!
Ha! Back when I was young - and during the 5 minutes when I was thin I had a very tiny pink bikini with metal buckles at the side. I remember wearing it once.
Now - If I must put on a bathing suit it's either a one piece or a tankini. But a bathing suit is not my favorite garment by any stretch of the imagination. If I could only go swimming without getting wet!
Keri: Did you swim with those gold coins?
And I'm with Cindy--best way to be in a bathing suit is with a margarita at hand! We have vacationed several times in Mexico and I just love the combination of sun, beach, and tequila!
I may have Surfer Guy (who makes lovely margs, his tip: lots of booze, little of everything else) make us a batch tonight to launch the book off right! Then again tomorrow night, to toast the book's first day on the shelves...
If I'm slurring later in my posts, you'll know why...
I enjoy your books very much. I've never had a favorite bikini; in fact, I've never had any swimsuit as I've never learned to swin.
Christie, oh yeah. Many times, I even SCUBA dived in it once. Wasn't very good for tanning as the coins left odd lines on my skin that my other suits didn't cover up. And it was more sparkly wet than dry.
No bikinis for me. My favorite swimsuit was a simple aqua blue one-piece. I've always been well-endowed and I needed the coverage. Plus, anything too frilly just brought too much focus to my chest area.
Cheryl S.
Happy 2nd Anniversary and I can't wait to pick up your book.
My favorite swimsuit was a black one piece that one side was cut out and covered with fluorescent pink mesh, so you could see my skin underneath. I was 17 and had matching pink flip flops and earrings....This was '83...Ah those were the days ... Now I wear a sarong, carry a margarita and stay farrrrr away from fluorescent colors!
Can't wait for the book! Talk about the perfect read for the beach!
My favorite bikini was black with neon orange trim--19 years ago. LOL
I agree with the Lands End tankini. Get a "skirt" bottom. I tried board shorts, but they aren't cut for curves.
Fiona: Okay, I'm going to have to check out the Land's End tankinis. I like those skirt bottoms. Makes me feel sporty.
Diane: I had a cute black one-piece that had mesh (but it was black) at the midriff. I'd forgotten about that one. Very cute.
My favorite swimsuit was a polka dot bikini I wore when I was a kid. Nowadays, I wear tankinis instead of bikinis. My belly needs some coverage.
UGH! I have to go shopping for a new swimsuit this summer, and the thing is I only use it once a summer! (I live in Minnesota). I have been putting it off but I really need to get out there before all the cute stuff is gone!
I hate when I have to go buying, not shopping. When I am looking for a specific item. Usually, jeans, bathing suits, and work pants:( yuck. That always drags down my shopping mood.
I remember my favorite was a 2 piece that had ruffles on the bra area and it made one look like they were bigger which I needed at the time. Oh where are those days JWIsley@aol.com
Actually... it was my first one, it was a pink ones with ruffles that turned to sea green in the water... I was 6!
Joanna: I know. When you =have= to find something in can make it so much harder to shop! But I agree you have to go out early or the selection won't be there. However, if you =can= wait, I've always had good luck at the 4th of July sales.
Joye: Funny (sad?) how the bathing suit causes all those minimizer/maximizer issues. I'm starting to think I should be worrying much more about cute cover-ups than attractive bathing suits.
My favorite swimsuit must be my actual one... it is a tankini, so you can still do lenghts at the pool and wear something flirty... it is ocean blue with discret flowers :)
I loved my suits when I was a kid. I had a baby blue bekini with a belt on it and I loved it. Now I feelthe world i not ready for me with a bathing suit on.
I have to say I am not a fan of bathing suit... my daughter drags me to the store each year!
However, one can never go wrong with a black one! I remember having one with a fancy golden pattern on the shoulders.
Maggie: I agree that black suits always are a good choice. But I get so hot in them! Maybe that's because I sort of avoid the water, too. Really, I like to swim, but then I get my hair wrecked and drip water all over the pages of the book I'm reading. (Can't ruin the book!)
Surfer Guy and I are going to Las Vegas next week to see Elton John in concert (happy birthday for Surfer Guy) and I am =not= going to bring a swimsuit. Hah! We're flying in and out and can't I use that as an excuse not to bother?
Though, sheesh, it is SO hot there...
My one and only swimsuit was purchased when I was about 12 and heading to Daytona with my girl scout troupe. It was a one piece ugly brown thing with built in bra and had a skirt. I've always been top heavy and much bigger than anyone should have been at my age.
I thought everything would be great until we stopped at a water park in route to florida. I flew down that spiral slide, plunged into the pool and when I came up, my entire chest was exposed. Somehow the suction from the water was a bit strong and the suit (one size too big) not quite snug enough to prevent it.
Needless to say, I only waded in the ocean when we got to Daytona. It's a nice memory.
My favorite bikini had a navy top and a navy and white striped bottom. This was many, many years ago. I don't put on a swimsuit anymore, the world is not prepared for a sight like that.
I'm sorry to say that I can't remember ever having a favorite bathing suit and the reason is this: I was always so shy and self-conscious, I used to wear a tee shirt over the suit. I remember having a dark blue bikini once - I think it had green trim - but, you guessed it, I always wore a tee shirt over it. To this day, I still shy away from "exposing" myself.
You know, you guys, I'm really thinking that the swimsuit industry should come over and read the comments here. Maybe then they'd think up some new fashion forward ideas for suits we'd be comfortable wearing and enjoying!
It's getting to be margarita time here in SoCal. Let's have a few sips from our salt-encrusted glasses and dream of warm water and and lovely tans and lovely men. We can imagine ourselves however we want to be!
Congrats on 2 years!! Jen :)
Oh, it's been soooo long since I wore a bikini :). My favorite suit was this black 2-piece with ribbons of color at the hips and in the front. Never felt "safe" swimming with it in a strong current, though!
Fun blog, Christie! I have your book on my list to get this week. Or order it. My B&N doesn't always carry what I want.
I remember my mother's swimsuits more than one I ever had. I have now "inherited" one of mom's from, hmm, the 1940s? 1950s or '60s? Gotta be that old. I don't think my mother has worn it in forever. :)
Happy sales!
Nancy Haddock
La Vida Vampire
Nancy: I love vintage clothing. Hang onto that suit! It's probably worth something already!
Favorite swimsuit? I'm planning to get one! Mrs. Dr. Phil showcased a designer who created a suit that takes care of every problem your body has.
Cellulite gone? Flabby arms tight? Now that's the suit for me!
Susan: Really? I would love to find a suit like that! I'm going to google Mrs. Dr. Phil swimsuit right now!
Okay, guys. Google "slimsuit" or "Carol Wior." I haven't checked it out completely, though it looks promising.
Not sure how it can get rid of my cellulite, though. Hah.
I had a black bikini with aqua, pink and yellow palm trees on it. I was probably 14 years old when I wore it and I had a body that did it justice. I wish I could say the same thing now!
Once upon a time, lol, I used to have a red flower bikini with a matching sarong, that I practically lived in one summer.
I can't remember even having a favorite swimsuit. I don't do them at all now.
only had 2 swimsuit dont go swimming mcuh. i did ahave a neo n one in 6th grade
kim h
Hm... favorite swimsuit? The one I remember most was a yellow one-piece that I wore the entire summer that I first started swim lessons--it probably sticks in my mind because of the trauma of the whole experience ;) My current favorite is a black tankini, and yes, another vote for Lands End swimsuits :)
As for a bikini, I'm not sure I'd bother anymore since I've had kids--it's too hard to remember to hold my tummy in! ;)
Happy second anniversary to everyone in the convertible!!!
I honestly don't remember too many past bathing suits. I never owned a bikini (my dad won't allow it). In high school, I had a black swimsuit with neon geometric shapes on it. (Hey, it was the
Now I tend to have skirt or shorts bottoms and tops with LOTS of support!
Happy Anniversary!
Okay, definitely must look into those Lands End suits. Am feeling out of the loop without one!
Georganna: I think it's sweet that you dad didn't allow the black bikini. My mom wouldn't let me wear black at all in high school. I don't think I even had black pants until I lived away from home. I also couldn't pierce my ears. The first day I was away at college I had them done!
My favorite was a bright purple and green bikini when I was in college. Don't know if I was brave or just stupid. Now my bikinis come with little skirts. I ask you, ladies, when (and why) did they stop putting underwires in bikini tops?? I need all the gravitational help I can get!
Gwen: I'm with you. Those "shelf" bra things are no good whatsoever! I used to dislike underwires (and I still detest anything with "tummy control"), but now I really appreciate the support.
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