Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hotties - courtesy of Cindy :o)

Today’s giveaway: Hot off the presses, an ARC (advanced reader copy), of SHOW NO MERCY, the first book in my upcoming Black Ops, Inc series, AND – YOUR NAME as a secondary character in book 3 of the series, WHISPER NO LIES, which will be released in January, 2009.

Okay – now to business. Sort of. Some would say I’m beyond the stage in my life where Hotties should get me hot. To that I say: Bull pucky. I’m mature (notice I didn’t say old) but I’m not dead. And let me tell you, when I got the cover art for SHOW NO MERCY, TAKE NO PRISONERS, and WHISPER NO LIES, I was in Hottie Heaven.

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to let me know which of these three bad boys you think is the hunkiest of the hunk, the buffest of the buff, the baddest of the bad, the … well, you get the picture. And if you don’t want to judge, then just enjoy the cover boys :o) and indulge me (thank you) in a little blatant self-promotion. Hey. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Meet my boys: Gabe Jones (Show No Mercy), Sam Lang (Take No Prisoners), and Johnny Reed (Whisper No Lies.

While you’re pondering the boys, even though we’ve had a similar discussion before, what, with all the books there are to chose from, makes you decide to buy a certain book. Is it the cover? Is it the back cover blurb? Is it the author? Is it a cover quote from a favorite author? How about that infamous first line, first paragraph, first page? Do you select based on RT reviews? On reviews? Do you brows other on line book review sites to see what others are saying? Does an author's web page help you decide to buy his/her book? What about e-news letters? Love ‘em? Hate ‘em? Delete ‘em?

Whew. Lots of questions. Help me out here, okay? I need lots of answers – and don’t forget, there's a prize!!


mslizalou said...

I love all 3 covers, but I have to pick Gabe's as the hottest.

I pick out books first by authors that are always on my TBB list. I then try out new authors based on suggestions or if the cover looks really interesting. I will sometimes buy a book by a review, but usually I go with word of mouth over reviews. If the cover looks really great, I will read the back cover blurb and the first few pages to make sure the book is one I would enjoy.

I love getting my e-newsletters. Sometimes I don't always know when an author has a new book, so the e-newsletter keeps me informed.

pjpuppymom said...

Great covers, Cindy! I'll take Gabe, please. LOVE. THOSE. LIPS.
And no, it's *not* the hot flash that has me fanning myself this morning! lol

I choose books for a variety of reasons. I subscribe to RT and that helps me know what books are coming out since my only local bookseller is Walmart. The reviews give me a sense of what the books are about but I don't buy based solely on the number of stars given by a reviewer.

I have a list of auto-buy authors and I always get their books. I discover many books and new-to-me authors via word of mouth from my cyber-romance reading-friends and various author friends. Occasionally, a cover will grab my eye at the store and I'll read the back blub to see if I'm interested enough to buy. That's how I discovered Robyn Carr, one of my favorite contemporary authors.

I love author newsletters! I subscribe to several and read them all.

CrystalGB said...

My choice would be Sam. :)
I choose books for a several different reasons: if an author is one I have read and enjoyed her writing, if the blurb sounds good, if I have heard good things about the book from other readers.
I enjoy receiving e-newsletters.

Jeannie Watt said...

Sam Lang. Great covers and one is never too old for hotties. :)

I pick up a book for two reasons--the cover or it's an author I know. I flip the book over, read the back cover blurb and that's what makes me buy the book. If I can't tell from the blurb, but have reason to still be intrigued (hot guy on cover) I'll read the first paragraph and the decision is made. Usually it's the back cover blurb that sells the book. I will pick up a book with a bad cover, think "oh this poor author" read the blurb and oftentimes buy. A bad cover is almost as much of a sell as a good cover for me, lol.

Dina said...

Reviews and blurbs are always helpful, but we all like what we like, so I might still get the book I want, even if it didn't get a great review frmo that person, but from what I've seen so far, most of the things I read about books are nice. The covers sometimes help he too, it if is eye catching and when you walk by it, you get the "buy me" feeling, lol. Your covers are saying "come buy me, lol"

WK said...

Ohh good covers but I like Gabe Jones, Show No Mercy, the best. I'm not sure why, something about that cover and look. I like Johnny Reed all but his mouth. Something about his mouth keeps me from liking him as much as Gabe. I like Gabe, can I have Gabe?LOL

As for why I buy a book, a varitey of reasons. I do read reviews. As a reviewer I enjoy them, most of the time for entertainment more than anything else, however if I'm undecided on a certain book, you know with the price of gas and all I have less to spend, so I'll go read reviews from people I know or usually agree with to help me decide if I buy, borrow, or look at paperbackswap. I have bought a few books just for the cover. One back in Dec. I can't think of the book or author now, as I've never read the book. I just had to have it for the cover. The book sounded good but the cover grabbed me.

Some books I autobuy. Certain authors I autobuy without reading or even looking at them. But alot of the time, I'll have my list, look at the reviews, look at the cover, read the blurb or already know it, and when I get to the store I'll read the first page or two. If it's not pulling me in, then I may put it back to buy another time and buy one that is pulling me in. I'm a mood reader, so often not getting pulled in has more to do with my mood than the book itself.

hope I've helped. I can't wait to read this series and I've got to get Gabe's book just for that cover! Do you by chance have coverflats? Could I buy one? I collect them and would LOVE to have a coverflat of Gabe!!!


Playground Monitor said...

I'll take #1 please. Yum-o!

A cover might catch my eye, but I've bought my last book based solely on the cover. I bought one a few months ago because of the hottie on the cover (see, other mature women lust over hot men) and the book was awful. It was a new author for me and I hadn't done any research about it (reviews, Amazon, word of mouth). That'll teach me to go for the glitz instead of the substance.

Mostly I buy authors I already know or one who's been recommended by someone whose judgement I trust. Or something like a Rita win will pique my curiosity about an author I've never read before.


Michele Hauf said...

Well first I liked the red guy because look at those lips! Then I liked the green guy because there's something about his jaw line that is sexy. But then I noticed the tattoo on the blue guy, so I think I gotta go with him!

Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to pick Johnny Reed. He reminds me of Sawyer on "Lost"... and well, who doesn't swoon over Sawyer? Or is it just me???????

I look for the author I know and like first, then it's usually a book cover that will make me pick it up and the blurb on the back will make me buy it or not.

I'll read these because you wrote them (really enjoyed the Bodyguard Series), but if that wasn't the case I'd surely pick'em up because of the covers... oh la la!

The Book Girl said...

I'll take Gabe please! I buy books for a few different reasons. First, there are some authors I buy no matter what. It is actually a really long list that gets longer all the time, lol. Second, cover art does make a difference to me. I like the cover art with a hot guy or just something that looks fun. Third, reviews. I run a review blog, so I know that they are just one persons opinion, but I do like to know what others think. If a book gets consistently bad reviews I tend to skip it.

Cindy Gerard said...

Lisa, PJ, Crystal, Jeanne, Dina, WK - great comments. Sam seems to be leading the way. Starting to sound like he was the one to lead off the series. BUT, I suspect Sam (doesn't he remind you of Scott Foley who plays Bob on the UNIT??) and Gabe (who yes, absolutely makes me think of the guy on LOST) will rally as the day goes by.

Cindy Gerard said...

Marilyn, Michelle, d, and book girl - again, I'm loving this feedback. And Marilyn - you mentioned the RITA win. I've always wondered if that factored in.
Sounds like tried and true authors are getting a nod here. What makes you all pick up a new author?

Keri Ford said...

Gabe Jones is my fav, but I have to ask, is that *gasp* chest hair on Sam??? Very rare and fantastic!

Don't read reviews, unless like a friends says, hey! look at this great review I got!

When I first started, I bought by blurbs. I shopped online and my previous online shop (previous because they quit carrying some of my authors!!!) let you shop by blurbs. I never looked at covers.

Now, my list has grown, plus I write now, mom now, free time has shrunk. I keep an autobuy list. When I pick up new authors, I find them through blogs. I try to keep up with all the authors I chat with in the blog world, but I get behind.

Summer has been helpful on the TBR as I get in my lawnchair for some afternoon sun with a book. A few weeks after I get my gift certificate I'll be good and suntanned!

pjpuppymom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debra Dixon said...

Well, duh.

Johnny Reed !


pjpuppymom said...

I'll pick up a new author if one of my favorite authors recommends them - not with a cover blurb but by talking about them on their blog, message boards, etc. Also, if a new author is getting a lot of buzz with people whose taste in books I share, I'll give them a try.

Keri Ford said...

Oh, forgot something! I also find new authors when I go to conference. There's a table set up somewhere where you can load up on free books (or at least a couple), and that's where I really dig through the pile.

Anonymous said...

Loooong time lurker here standing in line for Bachelor #1. There's just something about his mouth that makes a girl - or at least this one - drool!!

Now, for the questions...I don't really rely on a cover to sell me a book. After all, y'all don't have much of a choice in most cases, right? I have authors that are on my MUST be bought list but most of my "impulse" buys are based on recommendations from friends, excerpts I've read or from word of mouth via blogs/message boards. I do read reviews online and I get RT each month but Idon't always agree with them. One person's wallbanger book is someone else's DIK.

Zaharoula (Za) said...

Good Morning Cindy, Don't enter me in the contest as I am breathlessly waiting for my copy of "Show No Mercy" but I thought I would add my two cents to your discussion.

First, I buy books based on the author and the genre,not on the cover. It's it's a good cover on a great book it's like icing on the cake. (By the way all of these new covers are hot.)

As far as trying new authors, I rely on a few sites/blogs and sometimes a visiting author will catch my interest and I'll be interested in visiting her website. I also appreciate the enewsletters which can be helpful.

I found your Bodyguard series, indirectly through this site, after I fell in love with some of Christie's books, went to her website and emailed her and then found this site. She was the very first author I ever wrote to and I was thrilled that she emailed me back. That author-reader connection is also very important and it left a great impression on me.

Thanks for writing this new series.

I can't wait to read Gabe's story!

Cindy Gerard said...

Keri - good to hear those conference giveaways introduce readers to new author. And I think that MIGHT be chest hair on Sam. Yowser!

Deb - I like that bad boy, Reed, too. You might be interested to know that he is NOT the original model for that cover. We didn't like the other one - he wasn't Spec Ops enough so they got a new one. GREAT decision.

And what do you all think of the GREEN? It's different, huh?

Mirmalade - Oh, no. not the wallbanger :o( Good to know that word of mouth is still a great tool.

Zaharoula - the ARC should be in your mail today or tomorrow at the latest. People - ZA was generous enough to bid and win an ARC for MERCY in Brenda Novak's Juvenile Diabetes auction. And when I say generous, I mean generous. She paid BIT TIME for that ARC and should be commended for her gracious giving for such a good cause.

And I love it that you are finding new reads through topdown. Way cool!! you

Cindy Gerard said...

Okay - she paid BIG (not bit) time.
sorry. Fast fingers ... slow brain

Anonymous said...

I'd have to choose Gabe Jones from 'Show No Mercy' - He is hot!
I have a big list of authors whose books I always buy. I pick new-to-me authors through friend recommendations or if I like the cover art AND the blurb on the back.

Anonymous said...

What a decision but what a way to wake up the 'ol brain... yum! Gabe's mouth is sexy as all get out and makes you just want to take a bite. Really love the longish hair on Johnny and the green color for the cover is rather eyecatching. The tattoo on the blue cover is hot. Ah, what's a girl to do? I would pick Gabe as the hottest of hot though.
I pick most books by author and I subscribe to newsletters so that I always know when a fav comes out. These are my definite keepers! If I am browsing around for a new read then the cover catches me first but then I check that "preview" type page in the front so I can preview the writing style. I don't always pay attention to the back cover because sometimes it can be misleading. I am also partial to specific topics, like ex seals, bodyguards, ex military, ex-cop etc. I also will pick up most paranormals.

flip said...

I like Sam; He looks more rugged. I buy books for a lot of reasons. I like the author; I read a review (by anyone) and it sounded good. The writer has an interesting blog, so I give her a book a try. It has a great cover. The blurb on the back of the book sounds interesting. A friend recommended it.

I love to read so I am looking for books to read.

Helen Brenna said...

My vote went almost exactly as Michele's.
Gabe's lips got me. Then my gaze zoomed right onto Johnny. I'm a sucker for long hair and those scruffy beards. Then I noticed Sam's tat. Can I have all three? PLEASE!

Okay, fine. Give me Johnny! And I do like the green. It's different and catchy.

Cindy Gerard said...

georganna - love hearing about that big list :o)

anna and sean - Glad to provide a wake up call. And of course - people do buy by sub genres. Good point.

Flip - we love that you love to read :o) Makes everybody happy.

if you're keeping a tally - Gabe is in the lead....

Anonymous said...

Oh geez, the things one must do. . . well, the job's tough, but I'll try. ;)

My number one choice would be --Gabe Jones, then runner up is Sam Lang. Number three choice would be Johnny Reed -- he's sort of not my type, but hey, in the end, if he were to show up, why not? ;)

And when it comes to buying any particular book, first are always the autobuy authors and their next books on my list. If it's someone new/new to me, I go by what the book's about, if it sounds interesting to me, I'll try it. But the only time the cover actually makes me buy a book usually happens with historicals -- if it's a book I didn't know about, but the people/person on it is dressed in the periods I like, it'll catch my attention to see what it's about, but buying based on a cover alone, nope, don't do that. :)


acdaisy95 said...

All the covers looks great. I would have to pick Johnny Reed (Whisper No Lies) as my #1, then #2 Gabe Jones (Show No Mercy) and #3 Sam Lang (Take No Prisoners).

What makes me pick a certain book is the combination of reading the blurb, various reviews, cover, author, web site, etc.

Cathy M said...

I like Johnny's cover the best, he kind of has that Sawyer look that I totally love.

As for picking my books, I have so many auto-buy's, that it is definitely the author that grabs me first. For new authors, reading the back cover blurb and the first paragraph gives me enough info to decide to take a chance or not.

Karen B said...

That's mean to make us choose! Eyes do it for me, so I'll choose Sam.
I, too, have my list of favorite, must-buy authors. Blogs, author sites/newsletters, recommendations from friends and other authors all help me pick a book. Covers aren't too important but do make a difference if I'm picking between several books from the same author. Winning a book has made me a fan of many authors, including you! To the Edge put you on my TBR list.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic covers, Cindy!! Congratulations!

Mercy's my favorite. Very very nice.

Cindy Gerard said...

Lois - I know. Checking out these guys is a tough job but someone has to do it :o)

acdaisy - You know it's good to hear that a combo of things and not one single element turns the tide. Many of you have said just that.

cathy - you - and others - restate the necessity of a great opening

karen b - and yeah to winning books. It's sounding more and more like authors need to stage several prong attacks :o) - so to speak

What about book trailers? Has anyone ever bought a book after watching a trailer??/

cheryl c said...

Gabe from Show No Mercy is the hottest. The author's name is the first to attract me to a book. I like to read repeat authors, but I do give new authors a chance. The cover is also a big selling point. It can immediately get my interest or totally turn me off. I also read the back cover to see what the story is. If I don't like the story synopsis, I won't buy no matter who the author is and what the cover looks like.

Anonymous said...

Ciao Cindy, the "HOT" got to Rome!!! I agree with Helen Brenna : If it were possible , could I have the three of them? may be I'll take my time looking at Gabe 's lips ,then give a close look at Sam's tat but then I'll definitely indulge myself in touching Johnny's looong hair!!
The covers makes me "drool" while I read and help me to give a face to the charachter .That's the reason why covers should be good and catch your eye! But I buy a book after reading blurb , excerpt, comments on Amazon if it's the first time that I read an author .Then... I buy out of faith in my favorite author . I know that she/he can't betray me!
Sooo.. even if these covers had been pitch black ( like in Black OPS!!) I would have bought them immediately!!
Hugs from Italy!

Anonymous said...

I like to watch book trailers and I have bought a book based off of a couple. I post a book trailer almost every Tuesday on my blog. Even if they don't sell you on a book they are very entertaining. I just posted one for Bobbie Faye's Very (Very, Very, Very) Bad Day by Toni McGee Causey, it is like a little mini-movie. If I hadn't already read the book and LOVED it, I probably would have based on the trailer.

Cindy Gerard said...

cheri - scary on the blurb. Sometimes the copy editors nail it and sometimes not so much. You can bet I'll be looking my blurb copy over good before I give it a thumbs up.

Hey Rossella - Ciao! We know you Italian women like your heroes hot!!

bookgirl - hey again :o) good to know on the trailers. I'll have to check Tony's out!

Anonymous said...

I like Johnny Reed, I think he is sexy. As far as buying books I go by author, reveiws, blurps on back, story line, and the covers catch my eye. I also love getting e-news from the authors because they keep me up dated on what's happening.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Reed is mineminemine ;) Had dibs on him when we were brainstorming this book! Sorry ladies! But I do love a badass :)

Pocket did a fantastic job of nailing Cindy's hot heroes. Yum!

Kylie Brant

Jane said...

They're all beautiful, but Gabe is the hottest. I can't wait to see how he and Jenna get along. The blurb and the author influences me most when I'm picking up a book. I hardly spend time browsing in a book store anymore. I usually shop for books online. I read the reviews, but they don't influence me much. I also choose books because of recommendations I've read on various blogs.

tetewa said...

I also thought of Sawyer from Lost when I saw Johnny's cover. I think he is HOT! All in all there all great covers!

Christie Ridgway said...

I think Johnny would be my #1. I he a dark blond, perchance? (My fave.)

I rarely open a book before deciding to buy it. So the teaser, first line, etc., won't get to me. I'm author/cover/back blurb. In that order

Cindy Gerard said...

Virginia - so good to know the e-letters are well received.

Kylie - go back to work. Your adoring readers are waiting!!

Jane - On line buys are becoming a bigger and bigger part of the sales of books. are you also an e-reader?

tetewa - Thanks! I love them too. I'm really surprised that Sam isn't getting more votes. I just luvs that man :o)

Cindy Gerard said...

Oh and Christie - interesting that you don't open the book. I seem to be a first line, first paragraph kind of girl :o)

catslady said...

Certain authors are just automatic buys. Word of mouth is next - friends, blogs, author web sites, etc. If I'm just randomly looking, the back blurb - maybe the cover gets me to pick it.

WK said...

Hi Cindy, I'll pick up a new author if a friend has recommended them or if an author I love says "read this you'll love it" and I know it's real and not one of those generic quotes.

The last new to me author I bought because I visited Avon's blog and she was posting and I loved her post and then "talking" with her in the blog. She's too funny. So I bought her book to see if it's half as funny as she was.

As for the trailers, I've never bought a book based on one, but I will watch them.

But I'll say this, I'm not a fad reader. So when authors get to fad, or their fans get tooo fanatic and the books start to lose their quality I'll stop buying them. I won't name names, but one author I adored but her last few I've read don't have the edge the first ones did. So I no longer rush out to buy them or buy them in HC.

But if an author keeps the quality of her or his books going strong then they have a fan for life.


robynl said...

Here Johnny, over here, lol. I take thee.
I go for auto-buys, reviews, through chats.

Tarot By Arwen said...

It's a mix for me. I think it comes down to buzz. How many times have I heard the author or title? Reviews work too. I find that certain reviewers and I have the same tastes (there's one at that I love). But I do love scruffy men on covers which makes your intriguing!

Cindy Gerard said...

catslady - you reinforce the value of the blog. besides getting to met cool people, they seem to actually get the word out

wk - you hit on something I think many of us feel when we become entranced with a certain author and the quality declines. The sad truth is that sometimes if an author really gains a lot of popularity, both the fans and the publisher want more and they want it faster which can sometimes erode the quality of the work. It's a real catch 22 for the author to try to please everyone and keep up.

Robyn - yeah, that Johnny. He's got some somethin' going for him, huh? :o)

Jane said...

Cindy, I am a fairly new ebook reader. I don't have an ebook reader, so I have to read them on my computer. I still prefer print books.

Estella said...

I pick books by author.
I visit a lot of author websites and subsacribe to author newslettersAll three covers are great, but I like Sam's best.

Rhonda Pollero said...

I buy books written by my friends - love the covers!

Cindy Gerard said...

hey estella - glad you like the covers and I've got a soft spot for Sam too. Heck, I love 'em all

Hello miss rhonda :o) thanks for dropping by.

Jeanette J said...

I just can't choose between the 3. As for choosing books the cover has to catch my eye so I will then pick it up and read the blurb on the back. If that interests me I will sometimes open it and scan a page or two. I do read the e-newsletters I get..sometimes I save them to read later on if I don't have time. I like checking out the authors website because one can usually get more info on their books and at your convenience

Anonymous said...

All three covers are great! The cover is what usually has me pick a book up, but it all depends on the blurb on the back if I buy it.

Cindy Gerard said...

Jeanette - well, the really good news is you don't HAVE to chose if you don't want to. You can just enjoy them all :o)

amy - thanks! Glad to hear the green doesn't seem to be bothering anyone.

Anonymous said...

It was hard but i think Gabe is the best, my eye just kept going back up to him!

I pick books by the cover. It is horrible but I am a devoted cover judger (sp?)!!!

I also pick by author name, and what genre I think the book may be in, like I dont read a lot of mystery romances, but I love regency, suspence, paranormal, and historical, so give me a woman in a long dress and a man wearing a neckcloth in an embrace and i will check it out.

Your new covers are also very eye catching and I would pick them up based on your name alone! Sweet, I am excited!!

Anonymous said...

I pick Sam, just because I am partial to the color blue.

My book purchases are based on the author - if I enjoy past books, I will purchase new ones regardless of reviews written. I also will purchase books if an author I enjoy recommends it.

Covers may catch my eye, but they don't influence my purchase.

Samantha Hunter said...

I'm a Gabe gal as well -- love that mouth. Yum.

I sometimes buy based on cover -- I may at least pick up a book based on cover or title. I like clever titles especially.

Definitely buy regulars and series by author.

I never select based on reviews -- they don't color my buying habits at all.

I know what I like and I pretty much will be able to tell from cover, author, or blurb...

And that shot of Gabe is definitely one that would get my attention. ;)

Sam, who prefers "experienced" to "mature" LOL

Kammie said...

I love all the covers. I'd like them all lined up, face out on my bookshelf just so I could look. lol

I buy books based on past experience with the authors stories and excerpts I read. I browse book review sites for information on new releases, not necessary for the review. I also visit author websites.

Cindy Gerard said...

Joanna - yowser. thanks for that.

Mec - what contrast of reactions I've gotten today. some are 'cover' girls and others author and others yet blurbs. It's been an education.

Sam - LOL - I like 'experience' better than mature too. THANKS!

Cindy Gerard said...

Kammie - funny you should mention liking to look at them face out on a book shelve. I've been doing that for weeks now :o) They're like divine inspiration ...

Lori T said...


They are all really great covers...but I think I would have to go with Johnny.

I pick books in several ways...first I go with my favorite must have authors. I am also drawn to a cover...and those covers of yours would definitely pull me to buy them. I, also, listen to suggestions from people in my groups and the blogs that I read.

I love to just go to the bookstore and spend time reading the back of covers and looking for things that appeal to me.

Have a great day.

Cindy Gerard said...

Hey Lori. I like spending time in bookstores too. Somehow, I never get to do that much any more :o(

Anonymous said...

Whispers No Lies to me, BABY! My hootie choice.

Cindy Gerard said...

Karen - so you like Hooties, do you?>?
Sorry, couldn't resist.

And for those who were keeping track - Gabe seems to be the #1 hottie but the other 2 guys gave him a good run for his money. Thanks to everyone who posted. It was a lot of fun.

I'll be naming the winner soon so stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy - I've just recently picked up a couple of your books and I LOVE THEM! Plan to get more when I'm in the US over the summer. The covers are all fantastic, but I pick Gabe. Great scruff and I can tell he has short hair.

I pick books based on several cover may attract me, but it's the blurb that sells me. Recently, I've begun to read reviews more and will pick based on that and published contest winners so I can evaluate and learn from good writing.

Best of luck with these books.

Cindy Gerard said...

Hey Kelsey
Thanks for that. Hope you like the new series as well.
And Gabe the Babe seems to have won most of the hearts out there :o)

Maureen said...

I pick Johnny Reed and it's usually a combination of the blurb and the author that have me buying a book.

Cindy Gerard said...

Hey Maureen
these guys seem to split the votes as time goes on:o)