Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cindy's Deadline Dementia

I’ll tell you straight out and up front. I’m approaching deadline dementia and fading fast. For that reason, this is going to be short, sweet and self-serving.

RESCUE ME, a super hot romantic suspense adventure anthology featuring Cherry Adair (JUNGLE HEAT), Lora Leigh (ATLANTA HEAT) and ME (DESERT HEAT) will be released July 1, 2008 and I really want you to go out and buy it. Told you this was going to be self-serving.

Okay, here’s the deal. St. Martins Press asked the three of us to come up with a theme to wrap a group of novellas around and after very little discussion we came up with a rescue theme. What’s not to like about that? Haven’t we all fantasized about being rescued - from cleaning the toilet, scouring that proverbial frying pan, life in the slow lane? Or how about rescuing someone – a major hunk with a hang nail, a wounded soul in need of TLC, a cowboy without a cow (nothing sadder IMO), a romance writer losing her battle with the calendar and the ticking clock?

Now is the time and this is the forum to share all those secret (or not so secret) rescue fantasies you harbor. Who would you most want to save you from (fill in the blank). And as long as I have your attention, I’d like to hear your opinion on anthologies as a whole. Do you like them? Hate them? Buy them for one author only? Don't give them a second look? Tell me what I need to know, okay? This is the first time I've been published in this formate and I'm curious as to what to expect.

Oh - and I'll give away a copy of RESCUE ME - hot off the presses and autographed by me - to one lucky blogger but you have to post to win. Don't be shy. A quick hello is all you need to get in the running at which time you might be rescued (ahem) from the dull drums by your very own copy of RESCUE ME. Did I mention it was super hot and fantastic???


Playground Monitor said...

I read anthologies and usually buy them for one author. It's a great treat when the other authors deliver a great novella too. I've discovered some new authors this way.

And Hugh Jackman could rescue me from just any old thing. I need to make up the bed. Think he could rescue me and we could oh... maybe tumble into it and he could have his wicked way with me? :grin:

Dina said...

Hi Cnidy,

I like anthologies. When I was youunger and started to read, I only read 1 book stories, but I like them because it gives you a chance to enjoy more than than 1 authors work. I'm still new to many and this is a great way to find out about their writing.

I love Gerard Butler, so he could rescue me anytime and for any reason. :)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for this one, Cindy! I do like the whole rescue thing. . .

Would love to be rescued from middle age by a wizard who --under stress-- becomes a powerful but sexy griffin. (Who looks like that guy on the TV series Beauty and the Beast, only with wings.) And who as a griffin has power over time and accidentally returns me to age twenty three and falls madly in love with me. Oh, and did I mention the old Editor-Hag who imprisons me in a tower and makes me write ceaselessly. . . whom the griffin defeats by magically imprisoning her in a copy of Strunk and Whites?

And did I mention the griffin has an uncanny resemblance to Gerard Butler?

That Gerard. He gets around.

Debra Dixon said...

Cindy-- Self-serving and specific works for me. I'm a bear of very little brain lately. I appreciate something I don't have to ponder since like your deadline-dementia, I have launch lunacy. Very similiar.

So, I'm off to put the book in my Amazon cart. Easy. Done. Next!

Wish my life would be so well-behaved.

mslizalou said...

I enjoy anthologies. I usually buy them for one author, but have found a few new authors that I enjoy from reading their stories in anthologies.

I would love to be rescued by Colin Firth. I need to clean my house right now...could Colin keep me from having to do that please?

Michele Hauf said...

I usually buy an anthology for one author too! This is very interesting to know that others do! Always thought most would want at least two authors they like to make it worth the buy.

Rescue fantasy? Hmm, that would be me stranded in Paris, and a handsome Frenchman who cannot speak English still manages to...well...that's all you're getting from me. :-)

Lori T said...

I like anthologies. I will buy an anthology if it has only one author that I read...this is sometimes how you find new authors that you come to count among your favorites.

Rescue Me looks really good and what a great group of authors. All three of you are on my shelves.

I would like my husband to rescue me from day of the "normal" stuff that I have to do in a day. How great would it be to not have to literally do any of the normal day to day stuff?

Cindy Gerard said...

Good to hear all these things about why you buy anthologies. Are there favorite themes you like? Like those that revolve around a holiday or something?

As to who I want to rescue me - I LOVE Scott Foley who plays Bob on The Unit. As a matter of fact, I swear they used his double for the cover of TAKE NO PRISONERS (check out my Hotties Blog from June 12).
I also love Michael Weatherly who plays Tony Denozo on NCIS. He makes me laugh and he makes me swoon :o)

Anonymous said...

I like anthologies. I especially like the Christmas ones. I usually buy it based on either the theme or if it has a story by an author I like.

As for rescuing, I too want to be rescued from the everyday. The kids can make an awful mess and I would like a week of no cleaning. And if that break came in the form of a romantic getaway with Gerard Butler, I wouldn't say no!


acdaisy95 said...

I like to read anthologies from either multiple authors and one author.

Rescue fantasy -> I would like to be rescue by a handsome guy with dark hair, nice body with abs, dimples, and a nice smile. :)

Fedora said...

I LOVE anthologies--I will usually pick one up based on one (or more) of the authors, but I enjoy the chance to read all the stories, and often get introduced to some new authors. I know that the shorter story format can be harder for an author to do since you need to do all the character/relationship/plot development more efficiently/concisely, but sometimes I also don't have time or brain power or attention span to read something longer--I love how I can read something in an anthology and have it all wrapped up pretty right quick :)

As for being rescued... I wouldn't mind at all if a Hugh Jackman look-alike came to my door to offer his team's services in whipping the house into shape while he whisked me off for a country drive in a hot convertible for a picnic...

Cindy Gerard said...

Wow. Hugh Jackman and Gerard Butler seem to be HIGH on the list of white knights. I'm going to have to check them out a little better. That's what happens when I'm locked in my office working. I MISS things

Helen Brenna said...

I've never thought, from a writers perspective, how anthologies would be a good way to reach out to a larger audience. Obviously, I'm a little slow catching on to this business!

I've always thought short stories would be the hardest to write. What did you think about writing in this shorter format, Cindy?

As for being rescued ... I've been into listening to a lot of music lately. Eddie Vedder singing to me would pull me away from my own book deadline in a heartbeat. Yeah. Sounds nice.

cheryl c said...

I love anthologies, especially the
Christmas ones. It is nice to get a "taste" of several different authors at one sitting. I have discovered new authors this way, and I have gone on to buy books by these authors.

Rescues that I have enjoyed in books have been the following:
1. fireman or neighbor going into burning house to rescue heroine
2. cowboy rescuing kidnapped heroine from the bad guys
3. cop/bodyguard protecting heroine from stalker
4. stranger rescuing heroine from life-threatening accident

And I could go on and on! ;)

MJFredrick said...

What a fun premise! I love rescue stories!

Hellie Sinclair said...

Dream rescuer: Jack Sparrow...or even Roux from Chocolat. Johnny Depp is my frequent dream fantasy.

Where to? Yeah, does it matter with Johnny Depp? I didn't think so. But his private beach might be nice!

Cindy Gerard said...

Johnny D - yeah Baby! :o)

Helen as to the shorter format - it was a bit challenging but once I clicked into the mindset, I had a lot of fun with it! It is very different, however, from the 450 plus ms pages I'm used to delivering.

EllenToo said...

I like anthologies. I frequently buy one for an author I like and have read only to find a new author to read. I would think they would be a good way for new authors to get their work out to the reading public.

Cathy M said...

I don't love, love, anthologies, but will definitely pick them up when they include stories by my favorite authors.

Anonymous said...

Ciao Cindy,
I'm not a "novella" type but this time it's really great, my three favorite writers all together....
In Italian I would say FANTASTICO!!!
About being remember the photos of Raoul Bova?
I could be saved any minute by him ,the problem is, I'm not sure he knows where I live!!

tetewa said...

I enjoy reading anthologies, it gives me a chance to read something from more than just one writer. I would love for Josh Halloway (Sawyer from Lost) to rescue me or forget that thought maybe I'll rescue him!

Cindy Gerard said...

Hey Tetewa - you were the one who noticed that Johnny Reed on the cover of WHISPER NO LIES looks amazingly like Josh Halloway? If not, take a look. It's uncanny

Ciao Rossella! If you all haven't seen a photo of Raoul Bova DO google his name. He. Is. So. Hot. He can rescue me and take me away to Italy ANY time.

Ellen and Cathy, glad to hear you are good with anthologies. I agree. It's a great opportunity to get introduced to new to you authors.

Estella said...

I love anthologies! They are a great way to learn about new authors.

Jeanette J said...

I like anthologies because sometimes I don't have time for a whole book so they are perfect for a quick read. As for someone to rescue me I would choose Viggo Mortensen

catslady said...

Normally I'm attracted to longer stories but once in a while if I know at least one author, it's nice to have some quick reading. An added bonus is getting to know new authors.

Jane said...

I love the Bad Boys anthologies from Brava. My favorite is a historical anthology titled "Three Weddings and a Kiss" featuring stories by Loretta Chase and Lisa Kleypas. I have fantasies of Christian Bale and Eric Bana saving me from the clutches of a mad man.

Christie Ridgway said...

Gosh, your guys have way better rescue fantasies than me. I am looking for someone to rescue me from boring stuff like housecleaning and what to make for dinner. Hey, I know. I want that cute guy who picks up women in the supermarket and goes home with them and makes dinner. Yeah. That Take Home Chef guy.

Anne said...

I'd like to be rescued by Chris Daughtry, Colin Farrell, or quite possibly David Cook! :-)

Anonymous said...

I love reading anthologies. Romantic suspense is also my fave genre. Ryan Reynolds can rescue me from anything. I have Rescue Me on my wishlist. It sounds like an awesome anthology.

Nikki said...

I love anthologies. And I like all genres, but romantic suspense anthologies are the best. I like that I can plop down, and in one sitting, read an entire story. I will buy an anthology for one author, and if I discover a new (to me) author, well then, that's a huge bonus.

Anonymous said...

I really like them--especially since I've started trying to write them myself. :-)

All’sReads said...

I prefer anthologies these days for a shorter sexy read. Rescue Me sounds like just what I'd need! As for being rescued by Jason Statham.... from some tropical waters... and he could help me recover on a sunny sandy beach.... that would work for me too:)

robynl said...

I like Anthologies b/c you get to read more than one story.

David James Elliott, come rescue me Please.!!!

Cindy Gerard said...

Wow, you guys all have super yummy rescue fantasies.
Sorry I was away from my computer for a while but I'm BACK.
Keep the posts coming. I'll announce a winner tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I can so relate, Cindy. Write on.

CrystalGB said...

I enjoy anthologies. They give you the opportunity to read stories by different authors and introduce you to new authors you might not have read.