Lois Greiman :)
A few months ago I was talking to a couple of friends. We’ll call them Jeanie and Kate. (Since I’m obviously way too neurotic to have any real friends.) Anyway, Jeanie and I were discussing family and weather and all that mundane stuff when suddenly Kate said, “There’s no such thing as a good witch.” We turned to her in breathless tandem only to find her staring blankly into middle space. Jeanie and I blinked a couple time, waiting for her to continue…or be zapped into another dimension where witches are as common as fruit flies. When neither of those things happened we continued discussing the latest freezing conditions and never found out why Kate felt it necessary to opine on witchcraft at that precise moment. But later, I gotta tell you, I really started wondering…did she know I was writing a witch book and hope to steer me clear of such foolishness or was she hearing voices not necessarily recognized by species other than witch-hunters and small dogs? I’m afraid I’ll never know. But…since Under Your Spell is being released TODAY, I decided to start a discussion about witches.
So, what do you think? Do you love ‘em? Hate ‘em? Don’t believe in ‘em? Live with ‘em?

How about movie witches? I’ve found them intriguing all the way back to Oz. (Although I cried for hours every time the wicked witch of the west popped onto my parents’ black and white TV.) What about Practical Magic? And remember Hocus Pocus (my daughter’s childhood favorite)? Stardust! Yikes. Great movie, but why doesn’t Michelle Pfeiffer ever age? Is she a witch?
And what say you of literary witches? Terry Pratchett writes about some incredibly amusing crones like Nanny Ogg, Granny Weatherwax, and Magrat. Kim Harrison is making a splash with Rachel Morgan, and I really enjoy Tate Hallaway’s Garnet Lacey.

But how about you? Who are your paranormal heros? Come on, fess up. You believe in witches. Maybe you think you are one. Maybe you have suspicions about your sister. Chime in. In honor of my own witch, Elegance St. James, I’ll be giving away an Amazon gift card to some vociferous commenter so she can purchase her own witchy favorites.
i alwasys thought i had psyhic powers. i have people read your plams and the lines on your palm ant tell your future, aobut hwo many kids u have and how long u will live. we put a ring on a string and swing it acoss a lady stomach to see if they will have a boy or girl for a baby. stuff like that.
kim h
I always loved the "Bewitched" tv series. I wanted to have powers like Samantha. (Although, I did wonder why she married a dweeb like Darren.)
I haven't read many 'witch' books, but I do like Anya Bast's new series. I also can't wait to read yours!
Have a great day.
Kim, a few months ago I walked into a little shop that sold tarot cards and that sort of thing. The owner came over and said she felt a power in me, and oddly enough I wasn't at all surprised.
Georganna, LOL, I forgot about Bewitched. I loved that too. Samantha's nose looked just like mine so I always thought I should be able to do what she did. But actually I couldn't even do the wiggling thing. Very disappointing.
A friend keeps trying to do a tarot reading on me and it's always gibberish. Finally she realized my spirit guides are blocking the reading. Only problem is, I don't know who these spirit guides are so I can't communicate with them and ask them why they're doing this. :sigh:
As for witches I have known... Uh, I'm pleading the fifth. :grin:
If I may do a personal plug, Christie will be guest blogging with us on the Playground tomorrow and we're sooooo excited to have her.
This post is definitely fascinating. I have always felt a presence which guides me. I can feel certain strong vibes that affect individuals and know the difficulties which they will encounter. I want to warn them so that they can avoid these problems. Your new release looks intriguing.
Lois, I want to know where you did your research! ::grin:: Did you talk with any Wiccans?
I have to say: these days I don't discount the possibility of anything. I do however lay odds on the probability of things. And the probability of events being changed just because somebody throws a few herbs in a fire and says a word or two seems pretty low to me.
HOWEVER, if you're talking about thought, the power of the human mind to affect things. . . and of faith, belief, and intention making a difference. . . I am all in with that. I've seen it in action and it can be pretty powerful. So if that is the kind of thing practiced by a "witch" (I know a couple of wonderful Wiccans who seem to have this mindset) then I can see it really working.
I do think I have unusual abilities to read people. . . not minds, mind you, but people's faces and postures. My dad was as close to a true empath as I've ever seen and I have a lot of him in me. Also, it gets better with practice. Go to a mall with me sometime. . .
Practical Magic is one of my favorite books/movies. Both versions were excellent. I watch the movie regularly. And oh yeah, I wanted to be Samantha Stevens (but give me the second Darin: I think. Do I remember my Darins correctly?)
I've always believed in the power of the evil eye we mother's can wield. And as long as your kids believe it, then it's all good. :-)
I like to be open minded and realize that there are certain aspects that can be relevant and have an influence upon our lives and our future. Psychic powers are strong in certain individuals which I think is a great asset to possess.
Betina, I did speak to a couple of Wiccans and found them to be very fascinating and considerate. I also did some research online, bought some odd books that my family eyes askance, and the rest I made up...very fun.
People can control their destiny by taking the correct road that is there, but fate can intervene. Yes, the evil eye does exist and is powerful. That is why we throw salt over our shoulder and say a particular phrase which we hope will protect us.
Traveler, so do you warn people when you sense they're headed down the wrong path?
I think there are a lot of us who think we can somehow 'feel' things, and I wonder, if we acknowledge those feelings, if we could learn to understand them and hone them.
I dream stuff before it happens. Sometimes it is just a conversation, sometimes it is something big. It's funny when I dream about people I've never met and then meet them a few weeks later. I've dreamed about 3 of my family member's deaths and each happened just as I dreamed. I never really know when a dream will just stay a dream or come true. It was really freaky when I was a kid, but now I'm pretty used to it.
Lois I think you are a witch. And I mean that in a good way. Anyone who is as funny as you are has to have some special powers.
And that recipe for batwing stew you sent me was fantastic. It was a little strange waking up this morning hanging upside down from the ceiling fan, though....
Favorite movie witch: Sandra Bullock from Pratical Magic. (Though Nicole Kidman was hilarious as well...that bit at the PTA meeting. *LOL* Funny.)
Favorite book witch: Joy from Bewitching (Jill Barnett)--though I love anything by Jill Barnett, this was a WONDERFUL book...and I loved it's follow up book Dreaming even more. (And Dreaming also featured a witch, The Maclean)
OH...I can't forget Harry Potter, though he's a wizard and not a witch, right? I love Harry Potter...and Hermoine and Ron...brilliant stuff.
Amazing post today which resounds with me. Witches don't feature largely in my realm but your new release certainly is something special. Congratulations! If we are sensitive souls we can pick up warnings which are to be heeded.
Liza--seriously? I'd love to hear more about your dreams.
Elegance St. James? Love it!
I've always liked witch stories. That was one of the appeals of doing the YA story was that I got to create a witch world.
I wouldn't say that I had any paranormal heros, but I adore the sf/f/horror genre.
Oh, and I loved Practical Magic "the book" but wasn't as happy with the movie.
Thought it was just okay.
Thanks Diane, hope you enjoy Spell
Cindy, :) glad you enjoyed being a bat.
My dreaming things that happen started when I was 10. I dreamed about a house fire where my mom died and it actually happened about 2 years later. I've dreamed about meeting most of my best friends for the first time before it happened. I even dreamed about being in the delivery room with my sister for her youngest daughter's birth 4 years before she got pregnant. They weren't even thinking about having another baby, so I knew the day she told me she was pregnant that it was another girl.
Lois, first off, that cover is beautiful. And I love the name of your witch heroine!
I don't know that I believe in witches like the wicked witch from The Wizard of Oz (and she scared the pants off of me too!) but there are people out there who are in touch with powers that I don't seem to have...
Liza, can you email me at lgreiman@earthlink.net? Your story fascinates me.
I love reading books with witches and watching movies/tv shows with witches. I like Bewitched, Hocus Pocus and Practical Magic. Under Your Spell sounds great.
Lois, I sent you an email. Most people just think it's strange.
Thanks, Christie, I really like the cover too. Very purple, but sexy. I even like the clinch on the back.
Congratulations and your book looks striking. Love to read it.
Witches are a rare species and I do have a sister whose life choices were a disaster. When she married many years ago I saw her future and warned her. She went ahead and has lived to regret it. Other instances have occurred as well.
I love Samantha from Bewitched, too, but I think Endora was the one you had to watch out for. My favorite paranormals involve psychics, ghosts and vampires. I just started getting into shapeshifters. I think my favorite witch movie is "The Craft." Do you remember that one?
Jane, the craft? Who's in that? I should pick it up.
I loved Bewitched and Sabrina, the Teenage witch... and I thought when growing up, someday, I will wake up and become a witch - a nice one!
However, now I am not such a fan of witches in books, I think however I will try your book... sounds great and the cover is enticing :)
I love readind witchy stories... especially the ones that have been written by Teresa Medeiros and Jill Barnett :) They are just so comical!
I have a friend who believes in spells and potions, and has a grimoire... She always has her Tarrot cards! If it works for her and helps her relax... why not!
Lily, what is your favorite Teresa Mederos witch book? I've been meaning to pick one up for years.
Neve Campbell and Robin Tunney are in "The Craft."
I have to say I loved Touch of Enchantment... the first book in the Lennox series.
Wow. So when I tell you that I'm a Witch, but not Wiccan - will I be hissed? Actually, thought I'd pop in and give you some intriguing suggestions.
The Good Witch (2008) (TV)
Bell Book and Candle (1958)
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971)
Drawing Down the Moon (1997)
Witch Crafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic by Phyllis Curott
Embracing the Moon: A Witch's Guide to Rituals, Spellcrafts and Shadow Work by Yasmine Galenorn (she also has some incredible fiction work - see Witchling)
The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess: Starhawk
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