Spring is finally here. Despite the snow and the rain and the cold, the promise of warmth, sunshine and new growth are all around us. We riders join together to wish you a wonderful celebration of new life and rebirth. . . however you celebrate it.
Grace and Peace.
Nice, Betina. Happy Easter to you and yours too!
Thank you, Betina! Hope you're enjoying a fabulous Easter, too!
And I LOVE tulips!! :)
I am SO ready for warm weather to get here and stay. At least we didn't have snow for Easter, but we're expecting a freeze tonight. It was 70 on Friday. Make up your freaking mind, Mother Nature!
Hope everyone had a great day. I spent mine on the sofa, reading and trying to cough up a lung. Spring colds are the worst, but this too shall pass.
It's been beautiful here!
Except for that coughing up a lung thing. That's been running through the family.
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