Thursday, October 11, 2007

Kathleen asks: What's the Best Party You've Had?

This photo was taken October 10, 1970--37 years ago tonight. We're marking the occasion with less fanfare than usual. Clyde has his i-pod strapped to his ear, 2 bags of ice strapped to the knee he had surgically repaired yesterday, and a prescription drug-induced vacancy in his normally smiling eyes. I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself. Tomorrow night I'll be the guest speaker for a library fund raiser called "A Night Of Romance." When I accepted the invitation, I envisioned saying something about the previous night exemplifying just this theme, even after 37 years. We weren't planning anything big this year, but SOMETHING, surely. We can still shake a tail feather.

Our wedding, as you see, was simple. And our honeymoon was one night at the Wrangler Motel. We've remembered smiling every October 10th anniversary except the first, when he was stationed in Korea. On our 25th (right) we took a ride on a train and stayed in several lovely Minnesota B&B's. We had gone to Hawaii that summer and said that was our anniversary splurge. Remembering Mama's admonition (see my comments this week on Helen's Do-Over post) regarding "don't put it off--go when you can," we toasted my parents' marriage as well as ours.

Here we are sailing in Florida on our 30th. I love this picture. We seem to have reached that point we write about in our books. You can't tell where he ends and I begin. Our 35th saw us in Hawaii again. We promised we'd return every year after that, but that's a promise we obviously haven't kept. (You can't go when you can't.)

This year I'm changing ice packs and watching The Colbert Report. Stephen has a new book out this week. So do I. (Well, a new paperback. It's been out in hardcover.) He interviewed himself last night on national TV. I'm blogging with myself tonight on the internet. I wonder what he'll be doing on his 37th wedding anniversary. He got a lot of promotional mileage out of his wrist surgery recently. Auctioned off his cast for charity. Just before his book came out. Coincidence? Hmm. I'm an avid e-bayer. Wonder what I could do with ice packs and a knee brace. Autographed by...hmmm.

This was some late-night stream of conscious, brought to you by someone who missed a party tonight and felt just a teensy bit sorry for herself.

So cheer me up, blog buddies. (I should mention that dear daughter dropped by with a gift certificate to the best seafood restaurant in the Twin Cities and instructions to go get ourselves a taste of Hawaii as soon as Dad can walk. What a sweetie!)

Let's talk a good celebration. What's the best party you've ever had?


Debra Dixon said...

When you've been married that long all that really matters is that you make a plan to celebrate. Doesn't have to be on "the day."

And the good news is that now he owes you an extra special anniversary present. Something big. If he's smart. (g)

Helen Brenna said...

Some sweet memories, Kathy. You're comment about the 30th anniversary picture is beautiful.

I agree with Deb. Bummer you were sitting at home, but since his knees will be better, make him dance when you do celebrate!!!

The best party I've ever had, like hosted? Hmm, that's a tough one 'cause I'm not much for hosting things.

We had an 80th bday party for my dad that was fun, all my aunts and uncles were here and a bunch of cousins. Good time.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kathy! You and Clyde are an inspiration! I LOVE that photo of you on th cruise in Florida. Wow.

I've had several great parties, but the one that came after I hit the NYT-- given by my good Minnesota writing buddies-- was the prize taker. For a lot of reasons. But I also had a great wine-and-cheese tasting for my (oops!) SPECIAL birthday. The kids threw it and we all got pleasantly buzzed. Lots-o-fun! I also loved the wedding receptions and grooms dinner for my sons. Great fun in the planning and execution!

I've had a few graduation parties that were fun. . . going to one this weekend. My younger son is graduating with his Ph.D. and he and his wife are throwing the party this time. Can't wait!

Kathleen Eagle said...

Betina, I remember that NYT party--so beautiful--and the first of those lovely weddings--the bubbliest MOG in in the Minneapple. Good memories!

Here's how much we love Betina. For her NYT party we loaded up my piano into a pickup truck and hauled it to her house for the party. No kidding!

Kathleen Eagle said...

Details, guys. It doesn't have to be a party you hosted. Did you spring a great surprise on someone? Did you wear a snazzy costume? Eat some delicious (or maybe merely interesting) food? Come up with or enjoy a fun theme? Take a marvelous journey?

Anyone have Halloween party ideas?

And speaking of milestone birthdays, I have one coming up. And I don't mind celebrating. The thing is, I'm always the planner, never the plan-ee. So what should I plan?

Michele Hauf said...

I'm just not the sort of person who enjoys parties for myself. But I do like to do special things for others. I think my best was my Mom's 50th birthday. Two months in advance, I sent out letters to all her friends and relatives, and sent them blank pieces of paper. Asked them to write their special memories and thoughts about my mom about them and send them back.
I tucked them all in an antique silhouette box I knew my Mom would like, and made that her gift.
She still keeps that box on the coffee table with all those many notes. What a neat thing to have--special thoughts from all your friends to look at whenever you want.

Well, I thought it was cool :-)


Anonymous said...

It's a bummer to feel sorry for yourself when someone else is in pain, isn't it?! Feels kinda wrong. Sorry you missed your celebration, but Clyde's a keeper anyway.

I gave Susan Sizemore a surprise party when she hit the USA Today list for the first time. That was kind of fun cuz she really was surprised and I got to see friends I hadn't gotten together with for a long time.

I remember Betina's party too. Very nice. And the party we gave for Tami Hoag, at your house, Kathy, when she hit the Times. Why doesn't every party involve a male stripper? :)

Kathleen Eagle said...

Lois, I had nothing to do with that male stripper. I swear! You know me--prude to the max. But that was a great party. The day started out with an ice storm. Then the electricity went out and didn't come on until T minus about 10. But Tami and the gang made it in spite of icy roads, and the house warmed up in a hurry.

Kathleen Eagle said...

Don't start feeling sorry for the cowboy for another 24 hours or so. He's still pretty well medicated. Until then, I'm suffering in silence as far as he knows. He doesn't blog. Lois, don't tell on me!

Christie Ridgway said...

Kathy: Sorry you two are going to have to postpone your 37th celebration, but congratulations!

Best party...hmm. Well, I would say it was our first impromptu Halloween party we had at our house when the kids were very small and all of the neighbors ended up in our yard eating candy and drinking beer. We all felt so sick (no on had eaten dinner because the kids were clamoring to trick or treat) that I swore the following year we were going to have real food to go along with the booze and chocolate.

We've done it ever since. All the neighborhood comes, some of my husband's high school students, my kids' friends... It's always a good time. The dh plays carnival-like games with the kids where they have to "bet" their candy to play and the adults gather around the fire pits after the trick or treaters return.

It's even more special because my dh and I met on it's "our" holiday.

Hellie Sinclair said...

My 26th birthday party. I was not in the mood to celebrate. My 20s were half-over and what did I have to show for it? (I still have nothing to show for it, but not going there...)

So my friends banded together, refusing to take depression for an answer, and got me something everyday for a week. Little cool things--things I'd never gotten before. Bouquets of flowers. Balloons. A toy blender. *LOL* But the night of my birthday--the best night--they brought in a guy dressed as a Scotsman. (He was very believeable! Long hair, beard, built like Orlando Bloom, and lots and lots of kilt.) I can't tell you how happy I was. *LOL*

Yeah, that was the best birthday.

Wish I could have kept the Scotsman, I really do. *LOL*

Anonymous said...

I love throwing parties.

Halloween. Crisp cool air. Fire Pits with s'mores and hot dogs. Pots of chili and cheese dip. Apple cider and popcorn balls. Roasted pumpkin seeds. Say its for the kids and ask the parents to stay. All will have fun.

Best parties I've planned/thrown/ attended: 20th Year HS Reunion - a 3 day wingding; In-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary; And Baby showers; and kiddie birthday parties.

For Reunions and anniversaries - send out note cards and have guest jot down memories to share at the parties and then insert in an albumn.

Kiddie Parties - FUN is the key. My last was a Super Soaker Water Gun bash in the city park. I was the hit with my girls and all the dads and even the boys that attended the "girl party".

Sorry your annivesary plans are on hold. Hope DH recovers quickly.

Marcia in OK

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I was married on the same day. It was 80 degrees and I had long sleeves too.

Last year I spent our anniversary in the hospital having just had a total knee replacement. This year I was home but in a wheelchair due to a broken hip. We are bound and determined our next anniversary will be orthopedic free.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the anniversary, Kathleen. What a milestone. He owes you big time for your 40th. :-)

Best party ever--My Dh's 40th. It was a surprise party. Friends and family had shared pictures of him, that I put together on a huge board.

We walked into the restaurant, where we were supposed to meet another couple for dinner, and were led into the back room & greeted with shouts and cheers. He was so happy.

I'm not sure what I will do on his 50th.

Sid Leavitt said...

A private-first-class and a first-class bride. What a beautiful photo. And the years seem to have made the bride and groom more beautiful. Congratulations to you both.