That’s right, Greiman is putting up pics of sexy guys again. But she has a reason this time. Really.
Here’s the deal…I have a new book coming out. UNSCREWED will hit the shelves at the end of this month. It’s the ongoing story of Christina McMullen, cocktail waitress turned shrink, and her continuing relationship/battle with Lieutenant Jack Rivera, L.A.’s most sex-itating cop.
Recently, my publisher asked me to submit pictures of how I envision Rivera. And while he’s pretty clear in my mind…and dreams, he’s not easy to explain.
So…for those of you who haven’t read my Un-mysteries, I’ll give a quick little description of my most talked about un-hero, and then I’d like you all to vote on which of these men best represents him.
Here goes: Gerald (Jack) Rivera is in his late thirties. He’s Cherokee and Spanish, has a couple of moldering skeletons in his closet and is L.A.P.D. down to his short hairs.
So have at it folks. Which of these guys best personifies Rivera? Or, can you think of someone else who might be even more sexy….errr…I mean…appropriate? Chime on in.
Once I get a consensus, I’m going to post pictures of Rivera’s look-alike on my website, and at the end of the month there will be a fun little give-away for someone who has commented on our Riders’ blog during the month of January. So make sure you stop by on January 31st to see who wins.
Boy, now I'm confused. I was all set to vote for Colin Farrel, and Nicole introduces Victor Webster.
This is gonna be tough, Lois!
Wow, are you smart. I don't know who Victor Webster is, but I googled him and see that he has some kind of aversion to wearing shirts...a characteristic I find quite appealing in a leading guess he's smart too.
Now I'm confused too, Helen...but in a good way.
And by the by, thanks for loving Christina, Nicole. She loves you back
'nuff said.
I was sure you would mention Christopher what's-his-face, Michele--you know--the Batman guy.
I'm glad to see you still have some sense when it comes to hot shirtless guys. :)
Oh wait, you didn't mention Johnny Depp either. Are you still high on Nyquil?
While I understand your sentiment, Deb, 'yes' doesn't count as a vote. You can't have them all. Life's hard that way, I know. And while it would be fun to fantasize about, I doubt if any of these three guys is going to be reading our little blog, so you can tell the truth...which would be your flavor of the month?
Did you see Antonia in Original Sin with Angelina Jolie? Holy cow!! If that was the original version think how much they could have perfected it by now.
Clive Owen, absolutely.
I am a Clive Owen fan and have to go with him.
My vote is for Clive Owen.
Yeah, Loralee, stock up on meds and watch Antonio. Sigh.
And what's with the Clive contingency all of a sudden? I just threw him in there for kicks. I always thought he looks kind of grouchy. He doesn't even take off his shirt. Can you really trust a superstar who doesn't take off his shirt? :)
Don't you be bad mouthing MY Clive, Lois.
From the looks of it, you'll have a battle on your hands!
Calm down ladies. I didn't say grouchy was BAD. I mean really, I can only understand one out of every five words that comes out of Collin's mouth. And those are usually curse words. But as long as its said with a brogue I don't hold it against him.
Put me in the Colin column.
Put me anywhere with Colin. I'll take it from there.
You're so brave, Deb. I admire you immensely.
Yes, yes, Clive! Despite my ambivalence over Children of Men. sigh.
He's just great to look at. . . especially those eyes!
Right, Betina, eyes, that what I notice first about guys too. Really.
You know who I forgot? Daniel Day Lewis. All dark and smoky and sexy. Remember him in Last of the Mohecans. "Stay alive. I will find you." Yikes. Still get goosebumps. Once upon a time a reader gave me a life-sized poster of him at a book signing. Sigh. I love readers. And posters. And dark, smoky, sexy guys.
Yes, yes Clive is yummy--but he is not right for Rivera.
I lurve Rivera, I love Chrissy. You're 'un' mysteries are great. I recommend them to everyone.
I honestly don't think any of these guys are right for Rivera--but Lois, Original Sin...what a movie.
Okay, I googled Victor and I'd say in ten years he'd be perfect.
I wonder if you could google "hot Cherokee/Spanish guys"
So glad to hear from you. I have to admit that I've done a little more hot googling lately than anyone probably should. Hoping to get up some new possibilities today. Stay tuned.
I hate to admit it, but I think amy's right. As much as I love Clive, I'm not convinced he's right for Rivera.
No throwing snowballs, ladies!!
My vote is for Antonio. I recently saw him in Take the Lead. When he was dancing man was he sexy!
Hello from Down Under! You've given us a tough choice, Lois...
I've been a Clive Owen fan since "Second Sight", but he doesn't ooze LAPD--Chivas Regal scotch whiskey, certainly--although, I believe he'd make a great James Bond.
Colin Farrell makes me melt, too, but I'd prefer him steeped in Bailey's Irish Cream...
For Rivera, I'd have to go with Antonio: smoldering latin fizz with a tequila voice that can murmur sweet anythings in my ear any time he likes. Just his voice is enough--think "Puss" in Shrek!
Luv all,
Hi Lois,
Greetings from NJ! We met at Borders Books in East Brunswick when you did your signing tour last year. I LOVE the UN series. Anyway...Cherokee and Spanish? Did everyone forget Steve Sandalis?
You see, I'd vote for Antonio, but here's already one of the heroes in my mystery series! lol Is there enough of him to go around?
Oops...didn't sign my name to my comment.
Clive Owen.
Lois, you getting all this?
Lee-Ann, Chelle, everyone!!
I love your enthusiasm, ladies. So glad to know you're up to the challenge of staring at hot men. Thanks millions for the input. Stick around, I'm posting on Monday again and may have more tasty guys for you to consider.
Steven Sandalis--haven't seen him around forever.
What was the sexy guy's name who played in The Highlander series????
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