Okay, so that's my excuse for not having a blog topic for today. Everyone needs a breather now and then, and let's all just be good to ourselves today, okay? Promise me you'll do something good for yourself today!
So, in keeping this blog simple, I'm going to do a little Tour Guide Barbie thing to point out all our new features—but first! We have a Birthday Girl in the house! Happy Birthday, Lois! I made a cake just for you...

(She's a horse lover. I worked on it all night. Erm...at least finding the pic of it.)
Now! On to the tour. I just want to point out all the stuff we've been moving around lately. We've been cleaning out the glove compartment, playing around with the cup holders, and well, the rule is the driver gets to control the radio, so today the tunes are Elvis, and he's crooning Happy Birthday to our gal.
So, Tour Guide Barbie points to the right and asks you to look at the Contest heading. Oh yeah, a contest. And it's really easy. You just click and fill out some info, then you're entered to win. Books from all of us! Go ahead, click on it. I'll wait...
Did you enter? Good!
Next on our tour is the Coming Attractions. We want you all to know who we're featuring as guests in the coming weeks, so you can mark your calendars and not miss a thing.
And just below that is the Bookstore. Have you clicked on that yet? Do it! Just give it a try. It's really fun. We've got a single page that lists all the Riders' latest releases. And, if you're interested in checking out one or more of us, we've also got individual author pages with our backlists. Fun, eh?
Whoa! Did you hear that horn? Someone's honking at us. Oh wait. It's just us, tooting our own horns. We've always got something to toot about, so we're going to start listing that on the sidebar as well.
Next, you'll find our websites, because we all do fun stuff on our own once we hop out of the backseat. And then there are links to sites we like.
So do it again. Breathe.
Have a great day, and remember, you have to do one thing for yourself. You deserve it.
Oh! let out that breath. Okay, good. (You were starting to turn a little blue.)
Happy Happy Birthday, Lois. Enjoy that wonderful cake Michelle made for you. Yum Yum.
And Michele, thanks for the great update on the blog site. We needed a recap.
Happy birthday, Lois!
And I'm so gullible. I'm reading along and thinking, 'Michelle made a cake?' LOL!
Michelle I'm sure you could bake a fine cake...if you wanted to or ever had a heroine who had to fight fictional darkness with pastry.
Ha! Well, let me just say that the last few months I spent scanning all our family photos brought back memories--and some pretty scary. There were many a birthday cake picture in there. I had to sigh at my attempts. Poor kids. There was the lopsided double-layer chocolate cake with red sprinkles, and the horrendous blue-frosting sheet cake, amongst other nightmares. At least I tried! But I think I'll stick to bakery cakes from now on.
Thanks for reminding us, Michele. And I love the cake. Fun walk around the blog too.
Happy Birthday, Lois!
Happy Birthday, Lois!
I'm thinking what I'm going to do for myself today. Already I went shopping. I took back a video game for Son 2 at Target. I bought hair gel for Son 1. Don't think either of those qualify!
But I did buy some books (naturally) as I was passing the bookstore. So maybe it calls for little stretch out time with a romance novel. Aaaah. My fave way to do something for myself.
Happy Birthday, Lois!
May the year head be filled with successes and triumphs, and prosperity unbounded!
Oh. . . and save me a piece of cake!
:) Betina
Thanks all. Sorry I missed you yesterday. I'm spending some time with my sisters and mom, who spoil me terribly.
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