It's at its worst today--got the scraggles along with 3-inch mouse brouwn shot with gray roots. I'll spare you a photo. But tomorrow I will pay an obscene amount of $ for a high-end stylist to cut it somehow. With my hair, the cut makes a huge difference. Then I'll do a foil--highlights and lowlights--also terribly expensive in my book. But I know I'll feel like a new person once I get the do done.

Here's what I'd like. I just saw "The Holiday," and I kept looking at Cameron's haircut. I wonder if her mother ever said her hair was straight as a stick. It's all in the cut.

I like this, too. No, it isn't the same. But my version is more likely to go like the second Katie. Not as smooth.

So what do you think? bangs? Side sweep? Darker? More lowlights?
Here's a fun site where you can weigh in on who has the best hair and other hair issues. http://www.beautifulhairstyles.com/hairpolls
Anyone else have hair issues? How much time do you spend on it? Are you attached to your long hair? Willing to experiment? Any Beauty Parlor Horror Stories? Just what is it about women and their hair?
Kathy, I think hair is way over-rated. I wish we were all bald. In fact, I'm thinking of shaving my head and getting a really nifty scalp tattoo. Maybe a nice Celtic knot...whatcha think?
But, if one HAS to have hair--I like the Fonda due too. :)
Lois, me too. I love the Fonda bob. . . except that you have to have some BODY for that do and straight, babyfine hair just won't cut it.
Kathy, dear, you have my sympathies-- more like my commiseration. I have the same problem. Except, I used to have tons of hair--tons! It was fine and straight, but I had tons of it and was able to color and perm and cut to my heart's content. Then came age and then came thinning. . . and now it just lays there looking. . . limp.
If it's any consolation, limp, straight hair is perfect in Florida, where the slightest inclination to body or curl will produce a head full of frizz.
No bangs, Kathy. Bangs at a certain age look too much like you're trying to hide plastic surgery scars. (Ha!) Whatever you do, keep the blond. . . even buck it up a notch. You'll look great and feel even better!
And it if helps, I've always thought your hair looked MARVELOUS, darling!
:) Betina
Lois, if you shave your head, I'll shave mine too!
I've been pretty lucky on the hair front. It's fine, but fairly thick and has a bit of natural curl. I had short hair most of my adult life and then went longer a few years ago.
Cut is important, Kathy, but never underestimate the power of PRODUCT! There are some awesome gels, mousse's and hair lifters,(geesh!) that work wonders.
And straight is in these days.
Shoulda known, Candace. A cowboy in a pickup!
I love the hair on the gal that plays "Bones."
Right now my hair is almost to my waist. I'm growing it out for "Locks of Love" and they need a 10" ponytail, measured from the bottom of the ponytail holder down. My stylist says it has to grow until it's 10", plus two ponytail holders, plus whatever length I want it to be when we cut it. Since I don't want short hair...
I didn't really remember how long it takes this hair to dry!!
It sounded easier before I agreed. I think we can cut it in March.
And then I have to start looking for a new 'do.
I'm loving this hair discussion. Not long ago I ran across an old diary - I think I was in the 6th grade. Every day there was an entry that went something like: "My hair looked pretty good today." Or, "My hair looked terrible. I can't believe Mom made me go to school looking like this." Obviously, even as a child, I knew the importance of a good hair day. :o) Sure, I wrote about more weighty issues - like whether or not the new boy noticed me, Ahem - but it was the HAIR that always took top billing.
Guess that's one thing that will never change because we all know that it's all about the hair!!
And Deb - What a cool thing to do. I saw Ann Curry get her hair cut on the Today show last year with about a hundred others for Locks of Love. Awesome.
"Locks of Love" is such a generous thing to do, Deb. Long hair is a pain. I got rid of mine when my firstborn was a baby and never went back. But I can't wear it too short because I have a long neck and I think I look like a dandilion puff.
BUT I've always thought Candace had gorgeous hair. I can't believe you have the slightest doubt, m'dear. It always looks gorgeous, and I'm always thinking "How does she do that?"
Any PRODUCT recommendations for fine, straight hair? I've tried SOOO many.
Hair down to your waist. Wow!!
Kathy, I'd suggest any hair products by Kenra (I use their "Root Volumizer"), but I'd also ask your hairdresser if you've been seeing her for any length of time. She'll know your hair best.
Betina, are you saying I should let the plastic surgery scars show?
After I get the surgery, that is. Which I might just do after I get over seeing that documentary and imagining somebody peeling my head like an orange. Wish I hadn't seen that because I'd really like to "do the tighten up."
In the past 30 years, my hair has been many things: blond, permed, highlighted, straight. The one thing it has not been is SHORT. Since a disastrous cut in ‘76, my mantra has been, “I’m growing it out.”
Until now. I had achieved what I thought was the perfect length, then boldly walked into the salon, armed with a hair band and plastic bag, and said, “Cut it all off.” My stylist made me repeat it twice. After all, this was coming from the woman who always said he had cut too much off.
“Why?” you wonder. Mid-life crisis? Bad hair day? Neither. It was the result of kissing two (blessedly) healthy children at bedtime, then looking at the web site for Locks Of Love (www.locksoflove.com). This wonderful organization provides hairpieces for children who are suffering from long term medical hair loss, from any diagnosis. The question was never “Can I do this?”, but, “How can I NOT do this?”
And you can, too. All it takes is 10 inches (or more) of clean hair, tied in a ponytail, and the desire to give this gift to a stranger’s son or daughter. It is a gift that money can not buy, although they will gladly accept your five inches of check if you don’t have 10 inches of hair.
As I sport my sassy new ‘do, I can tell all of my shocked friends that my hair will soon be worn by a stranger's child, through the miracle of Locks of Love.
Thanks anonymous. I've known so many people who've grown their hair out for Locks of Love. For anyone who's interested, here's the website. http://www.locksoflove.org/
I was surprised to find they'll take colored or permed hair. (Can't take hair that's bleached or chemically damaged.) They've got some amazing pics of the kids wearing hairpieces.
I can't believe I'm going to be a 'blog-head' with all you Award-Winning Authors! Phew...
Now, since I AM a hairstylist, I thought it a perfect time to leap in with my 'two cents' as it were/is/stands...
Have a seat in my chair.
Now, put those air-brushed-movie-star-shots back in your purse and tell me what you don't like and on we go!
There are a ton of good products out there too. I like either Aveda or Modern Organic Products. Both earth-friendly, easy to use and don't smell artificial. Yuk.
Now about this bald thing. Trust me on this, you won't dig it for long, wigs itch like hell and if you can't grow a go-T, it just an't purdy on a gal.
The locks of love program is wonderful. I've had oodles of women come in and have their manes whacked off after learning of a friend's cancer. Stupid cancer, but doing something so postive has the 'ripple effect.' Everyone gains something.
Kind of like this blogging thing, after reading a bit of everyone's comments, I couldn't help but smile.
Okay, grin...
Jay, I'm taking notes on the products. Thanks!
I know stylists hate it when we come in clutching a celeb photo and say "Make me look like this." Especially clients with my kind of hair--fine, straight, seriously disadvantaged. My only advantage--once they start working on it, they always say, "This is a lot thicker than it looks." But what's a girl to do? What I don't like is...everything about my hair except for the fact that it lives. I don't want to be bald. That much I know from looking at my baby pictures.
I did the deed today, and I like the cut so far. The big test comes when I try fixing it myself. I went for a little richer color, just for something different.
I'm headed over to the "Locks of Love" site right now to see how they turn a 10" ponytail into a full head of hair. What a wonderful gift! Thanks for the link, Helen.
This is really interesting!
It explains how they make the hairpieces. Each one takes 6 to 10 ponytails and they're very expensive to make. Check it out.
Cool! And we have Jay with us-- welcome, Jay! Hey who gets dibs on the styist chair next?
And thanks for setting us straight on the "bald" thing. I always suspected it was a cooler idea than reality. sigh. Not that I would have seriously considered it-- with my head.
My son and some of his football teammates went bald when my late husband was in chemo and lost all his hair. . . they all looked like "Uncle Fester" from the Adamms Family. ugh. They couldn't wait to grow it out again. LOL!
Pictures, Kathy! Or at least tell us what you got! Details, woman!
:) Betina
I wash my hair and let it air-dry...that is the amount of time I spend on it. Most of the time I put it up in a hairclip.
Jennifer, you're my kind of woman!
Kathy -
Can't wait to see you at Saturday's meeting. Sometimes a change in hairstyle is an uplifting experience. I went through the same thing this summer and cut mine off. Yes, I was one of those who walked into my hairdresser and handed her photos of a few celebrity hair styles I wanted.
I can't say I look like any of them, but I like my new look and have received only positive feedback.
Can't wait till Saturday.
Jody V.
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